Life threating Medical Issues Linked to Chlorinated Water

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( — May 9, 2013) Geraldton, Australia.– An e-Book that details the threat that chlorinated water poses to mankind is launched. Authored by Dr. Kiss who has spent years studying hidden causes of all human ailments, this e-book explains why chlorinated water, which was formulated to save mankind from cholera has now become a far greater danger to the medical health of mankind.

As Dr. Joseph M. Price stated, “Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. It is an insidious poison.” Chlorinated water, which had been formulated to save humans from the death-gripping illness known as cholera, has now reared its venomous head and is hitting the people who thought it as their savior.

The author presents many scientific findings that show how chlorinated water deprives man of healthy living.

1. Chlorine can react with organic matter in water and form dangerous carcinogen known as Trihalomethanes (THMs). Because of this, one result of drinking and using chlorinated water for a long time is having cancer and other such medical issues.

2. The chlorine byproducts trigger the production of free radicals in the body, causing cell damage, which are highly carcinogenic. “Although concentrations of these carcinogens (THMs) are low, it is precisely these low levels that cancer scientists believe are responsible for the majority of human cancers in the United States. The Environmental Defense Fund.”

3. Simply stated chlorine is a pesticide, “as defined by the U.S. EPA”, whose sole purpose is to kill living organisms. When we consume water containing chlorine, it kills some part of us destroying cells and tissue inside our body.

4. Breast cancer has also been linked to the use of chlorinated water when showering, bathing or swimming and ingesting it. A study showed that women with breast cancer generally have high levels of chlorine compounds in their breast tissues.

5. Another medical scientific research paper showed that using and drinking chlorinated water can cause cancer in the bladder or in the rectum.

As pointed out in the e-Book, “Death by Natural Causes or Pre-Meditated Murder” deaths caused by the effects of using chlorinated water should be considered as premeditated murder, considering that while the use of water treated with chlorine has been eradicated in some highly developed countries, it is still encouraged in the rest of world, especially by government sponsored programs for water systems, “despite the fact that the evidence dates back for more than 60 years”.

Knowing the dangers of chlorinated water and yet, promoting its use should be considered as murder, plain and simple, at the very least criminally liable failure in their Duty of Care responsibilities.

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Media contact: Edward Morrows; Email: