Liver Disease – Quebec Chapter is Holding Fund Raising Event

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( — April 5, 2013) Montreal, Quebec — The Canadian Liver Foundation – Quebec Chapter works to educate Quebecers about liver disease, provide support for research and assistance to people affected with the disease.  For the second year in a row, the Quebec Chapter is holding its “STROLL for LIVER™” five kilometre walk in Montreal on May 26th at Place des Art in Montreal.

Regional Director Betty Esperanza comments, “Liver disease affects one in ten Quebecers and there are many causes.  We are very excited to hold our second event on May 26th and we are looking forward to continuing the momentum from last year. Many people in Quebec associate liver disease with alcohol abuse.  The fact is that liver disease from alcohol accounts for only 8% of diagnosed cases and the most common cirrhosis of the liver is from fatty foods and unhealthy lifestyle. So in fact, anyone can be affected by liver disease. There is a direct link between obesity and we see children as young as 4 with fatty liver.
You wouldn`t know it but kids die from liver cancer too. Our goal for the Stroll for Liver is to raise funds to help continue the chapter’s community outreach and assistance to Quebecers affected by the disease.”
Montreal’s 2nd 5 km walk/run will bring families and friends from all communities together.  Everyone is affected by  liver disease from newborns to children, teenagers to adults. Everyone can join in the walk.  Those wishing to participate can sign up here for the Montreal “Stroll for Liver” event.

The Canadian Liver Foundation was founded in 1969 by a group of doctors and business leaders concerned about the increasing incidence of liver disease.  The Quebec Chapter is a group of volunteers who work diligently to provide education to the Quebec population regarding the causes of the disease and assistance to Quebecers affected.  The Quebec Chapter of the Canadian Liver Foundation is located at 1000 De la Gauchetiere Street,  Suite 1430, Montreal Quebec, H3B 4W5.  The main phone number is (514) 876-4170.

Betty Esperanza, Regional Director, Canadian Liver Foundation – Quebec,
1430-1000 De la Gauchetiere Street, Montreal Quebec, H3B 4W5

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