Madonna Instagram’s Clay Mask Selfie Close Up Renders Her Barely Recognizable

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( — October 17, 2014) Beaverton, OR — Madonna has done it again. No matter what she does, whether we like it or not, she keeps us talking about her. This time it’s not a new music video or another risqué outfit choice. No, this time she has us going crazy over her selfie posted on social media. The 56-year-old , no stranger to the spotlight and famous for singing songs like “Vogue,” “Like a virgin” and “Frozen” is human too.


Recently, the queen of pop, the ever bold and confident Madonna posted a selfie on Instagram wearing a clay mask. At first, it was really hard to tell that it was the famous queen of pop but after closely examining her picture some of her facial features became recognizable. This was a brave move made by the popular singer as most females, especially those in the lime light are very self-conscious and would never post a selfie bare faced or in a beauty mask for fear of being ridiculed or laughed at. But it is Madonna and she is known for taking risks and not caring about what anyone else has to say about it.


The first photo she posted, almost four months ago, featured Madonna close up wearing a clay mask by the MDNA skin-care line, with the caption “Trying out the new Clay Mask from MDNA skin-care line! Let’s see if it works! #livingforlove.” The photo received over 29k likes. A follow-up photo was posted showing her glowing, radiant skin, the after-effects of using the clay mask product with the caption “Lovely and glowing! Yaaaasssssss it werks.”


There is so much pressure by society to keep up our appearances and Madonna is no exception. Unfortunately, life happens and the effects of aging will definitely start to show. Beauty products and treatments can be very expensive, and you may not be able to afford it.  Here is a more reasonably priced alternative that works just as well as the expensive brands. The Oshi Glows facial mask offers a really affordable clay mask compared to other beauty masks.  A facial mask gives the skin a clean and smooth feeling. It is great for removing toxins and other debris and in turn giving the skin the nutrients it needs to make the skin look refreshed.

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About Oshi Glows

Oshi Glows helps to fill a growing desire and trend towards healthy, natural and animal friendly skin care products.

Oshi Glows

9450 SW Gemini Dr #59934
Beaverton, OR United States 97008-7105
