(Newswire.net — November 10, 2018) — Jonathan Oshevire has announced the launch of Maggazine 2, a collection of professionally designed magazine style assets that entrepreneurs can sell with ease. The magazine style content packages cover three hot niches, including digital marketing, careers and coaching.
More information can be found at: http://letsgolook.at/Maggazine2.
The package of content is ideal for entrepreneurs, site owners and business owners in the above-mentioned niches that what hot, fresh and engaging content to sell their leads and prospects.
Anyone who is sick of wasting time and money on expensive writers and graphic designers, and anyone wanting amazing, high quality content and not rehashed PLR junk will benefit from Maggazine 2.
Marketing professionals know that it’s imperative to have a hot list of prospects ready to buy their products and services. However, if the entrepreneur doesn’t have the time, money or expertise to create great content, then they will find it impossible to sell.
First impressions count in a big way, and poor quality content can seriously damage potential online. Anyone who buys poor quality content will either unsubscribe from the list, block emails, report them as spam, or ignore and delete any further emails that get sent out.
Maggazine 2 can help to change all of this, because it takes the stress out of product creation in a fresh and engaging way. Each item is editable and “done for you”, and each is also in a highly profitable niche.
The creators statem “This is an opportunity to look good in front of your prospects. The content is already researched and written for you. You’ll be able to edit, add your name and then you can giveaway to prospects to build your list.”
Modules include trending ebooks like WhatsApp For Business, Tinder Advertising For Business, and Facebook Messenger For Business.
Others include Instagram Stories For Business, Facebook Stories For Business, and more – in addition to great, customizable lead magnet templates.
Full details can be found on the URL above, with additional information provided at: https://muncheye.com/jonathan-oshevire-maggazzine-2.