Magnesium Found to Be as Effective as Anti-Depressant Drugs

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( — February 21, 2018) Orlando, FL — For some people, depression is something they have to live or even struggle with on a daily basis. This condition can be managed through the use of certain pharmaceutical drugs. However, studies are now suggesting that there are actually safer and better ways to fight the condition.

Magnesium has been found to be as effective as anti-depressant drugs. There are many minerals that are considered by many experts to be essential, not just for human health, but also survival. This mineral, called magnesium, plays a major role in hundreds of processes inside the body.

According to some experts, it has a major function in the way that the brain works. It also has an effect on mood, and low magnesium levels have been associated with an increased risk of depression.

This vital nutrient is deficient in the modern diet, and some of the factors that contribute largely to this deficiency are depletion of it in modern soils and water. It is important to realize that the current RDA of magnesium for adults ranges from 320 to 420 mg on a daily basis. Unfortunately, individuals in the United States only take around 250 mg every day.

According to an analysis involving more than 8,800 individuals, it was revealed that those below the age of 65 with the lowest magnesium intake were more susceptible to depression by 22 percent. Supplementation of this mineral has been found to be helpful in decreasing depressive symptoms. More surprisingly, in some cases, the anti-depressive effects of magnesium can be dramatic.

A randomized, controlled trial involving depressed older individuals revealed that intake of 450 mg of magnesium had enhanced mood. This intake was also found to be as effective as anti-depressant drugs.

Many health experts today recommend increased intake of magnesium. There are plant-based sources of this mineral, but it can also be obtained through supplementation.

Supplements are easy to take, and they often contain abundant levels of the mineral. One of the most popular supplements currently available is Divine Bounty Magnesium Citrate.

This formula is carefully crafted in an FDA-inspected facility in the United States. It is widely popularized by its potency, but it also has another feature that makes it even more beneficial. It has citric acid, which increases the delivery of magnesium inside the body.

This means that every capsule could deliver magnesium’s therapeutic goodness. What makes this formula even more beneficial is that it is backed with a complete customer satisfaction guarantee.


About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty have carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

Divine Bounty

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Suite 236 A
Orlando, FL 32826
United States
(407) 545 7738