(Newswire.net — May 9, 2014) Manhatten, New York — Mclane Reel Mowers vs Scotts Push Mower Review Revealed By BestReelMowerReviews.com
Keeping your lawn neat and clean is an issue many homeowners face, and so investing their money into a lawn mower is not such a bad option. The traditional motor operated lawn mowers are often a first choice among homeowners. However many are finding that a push reel mower is becoming increasingly more popular and ideal to use as a tool to keep those lawns well manicured. But this raises another problem. What push reel mower is best fitted for the job with so many brands to choose from such as the Mclane reel mowers and the Scotts push mower?
We asked John Paul of BestReelMowerReviews.com to help us determine which push reel mower is most appropriate for doing a good job of the backyard lawns. He states, “First you need to consider what type of push reel mower you will need. That is what type of lawn do you have. If you have the thicker grass then you will definitely need to go with the 7-blade mower. If your grass is finer and thinner such as Fescue or Kentucky Bluegrass then a 4 or 5 blade push reel mowers will work fine.” However he warns: “Push reel mowers are not for everyone as the blades are notoriously prone to jamming with twigs and branches. And second if you don’t mow your lawn too often then a push reel mower will have a difficult time cutting grass.”
Four points that make Mclane reel mowers or a Scotts push reel mower better than the conventional electric or gas powered version are:
1. They are relatively inexpensive, many costing on a fraction of the price of a gas or electric powered version.
2. Because there is no motor running, you essentially are the power, it is very quiet and so easy on the ears. Meaning that your neighbours are hardly going to complain if you decide to mow your lawns early in the morning or late in the evening.
3. They provide great exercise. Since mo motor is involved all of the power comes from your legs and arms providing a great cardiovascular and lightweight workout.
4. They are good for the environment. Very clean to run and easy to maintain. Most models are very lightweight so can be stored easily.
John Paul of BestReelMowerReviews states “Both the Mclane reel mowers and the Scotts push mowers cut much like high performance scissors. It comes down to which brand you prefer. Many other brands are also good such as Friskar, Brill and Gilmour, but deciding on which one is right for you can be a little daunting. This is why we have done all of the work for you and put up a review site of each push reel mower with both the positive and negative points.”
For more information and reviews on push reel mowers please visit http://bestreelmowerreviews.com