(Newswire.net — February 05, 2013) New York Mills, MN — Jennifer Breuer announced today the launch of Medical Transcription Help Desk a website offering a monthly membership for Medical Transcriptionists, new or experienced, who are looking for tools and practical advice in their field to help them improve in their transcribing. When you sign up for the membership now you are guaranteed the $4.97 monthly fee for as long as you are a member.
Research takes a lot of time. The goal of Medical Transcription Help Desk is to share everything that they’ve compiled to this point with those transcriptionists that need it. Even more so, they see the site as a place where all medical transcriptionists can come together as a small community and share their references and resources.
Jennifer Breuer said about the launch, “We’re here to help all transcriptionists improve the quality and productivity of their reports. We help answer their day-to-day questions through an Ask a Question Box on the membership site as well as providing lots of cheat sheets, learning videos, and a Help Desk Monthly full of lots of tips and tricks for those of us in the profession.”
You can learn more about how to sign up for the membership at Jennifer’s Web site, Medical Transcription Help Desk. It’s a medical transcriptionists heaven!
About Jennifer Breuer and Medical Transcription Help Desk: Jennifer has 12 years of experience as a Medical Transcriptionist. She remembers back to those first days and months after training when she wished she had a place to go to for autocorrect suggestions, acronym lists, and cheat sheets that would have made the job just a little bit easier. She wants the website to evolve to be a place where transcriptionists come to exchange ideas and share tools they’ve put together that may benefit others.
For more information contact Jennifer Breuer
55701 340th Street New York Mills, MN 56567218-640-5865