(Newswire.net — September 6, 2016) Osaka, Osaka-fu — SurgingLife has now released a special piece of music developed to aid users in achieving homeostasis and improved mental health. The music, titled “Homeostasis – Music For Relaxation And Restoration”, incorporates the use of special brainwave entrainment technology to aid listeners in achieving the state through the aid of a very specific state in the Theta brainwave range, a frequency range associated with deep relaxation and meditation.
What Is Homeostasis
The state of homeostasis is an incredibly important one within nature, and when it exists those experiencing it gain numerous health benefits. It is all about internal stability and balance, things which modern living often has an adverse effect on hence the development of the piece.
Whilst originally the music was in development for use with a specific aromatherapy technique, the reports coming back from both the practitioners testing the music, and their clients, were that the music was deeply relaxing even when used on its own. With the listeners testing it reporting achievement of a balanced, relaxed and positive mental state with great ease.
Powerful Theta Brainwave Entrainment Enhances Relaxation
Theta brainwaves are powerful in terms of their effects, and the use of this music as a form of non-directed meditation and aid to promote the listeners ability to relax more deeply offer listeners the opportunity to improve their mental state though in a way that requires little effort. In a study carried out by Lagopoulos J, Xu J, Rasmussen I, Vik A, Malhi GS, Eliassen CF, Arntsen IE, Saether JG, Hollup S, Holen A, Davanger S, Ellingsen Ø, which was published in the Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine as well as by NIH.Gov, this particular approach, non-directive meditation, was found to have greater results than a session within which test subjects just closed their eyes. More on the study can be found at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19922249.
Highly Positive User Feedback During Testing
Due to the overwhelmingly positive user feedback regarding the SurgingLife music, which indicated results in-line with the study, this the soundtrack has now been made available for users to enjoy via streaming using their computer or mobile device. There are plans also to make this special music available on CD for listeners too. Those who are interested in acquiring the CD can register their interest via the “Homeostasis – Music For Relaxation And Restoration” webpage where they can also enjoy the video that was specially created to match the flow and feel of the soundtrack.
Improving Mental Health And Achieving Joyful Living With SurgingLife
The video itself was also recorded and produced by SurgingLife with various clips of sunrise, sunset and the moon being brought together from various sessions to create the perfect visual compliment which deepens the feel of the listening experience. As such aiding the user to achieve and even stronger experience of homeostasis and the balance and positivity the state brings. More can be discovered on this special state and its importance via https://surginglife.com/homeostasis/ where users can also find access to the various other beneficial SurgingLife resources, including information regarding meditation, that have helped many to improve their mental health and ability to achieve joyful living.
About SurgingLife
SurgingLife brings aid for everyone seeking positive life change. For those who have been wondering what they can do in order to realise a far more positive lifestyle and a good quality of life, this site is the place to get the help needed. Drawing from meditation, essential oils, ho’oponopono and a wide variety of other things there is solid ground to make meaningful life changes. The website can be found at https://surginglife.com
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