(Newswire.net -- March 8, 2013) Minneapolis, MN --
A common problem in therapy is that many people are
too embarrassed to go or plain wait too long to seek
counseling due to the wrong perceptions and ideas they
have in their minds. The truth is, thousands of people
from all over have been able to successfully solve
relationship difficulties at the hands of a skilled counselor.
Being a therapist after extensive training and education, Danka
acknowledges there is no doubt that we all come from families, which are
very strong systems that are interconnected and definitely face ups and
downs along the way. These systems have a significant impact on the
relationships that we have with other people. "I work with all clients
from a perspective of family systems. What this means is, there are
no individuals that can be easily understood when they are isolated from
all the other individuals who have - in the present or the past -
influenced their daily lives" says Danka Bogott of Bogott Counseling.
It is essential to understand how a member operates within a family
because this will enable them to understand how they act when they are
alone or in a relationship. This information will be pulled from creating
a genogram as it is that which will shed light on the inter-generational
legacies in place. There is no doubt that family issues and family history
can severely affect a relationship, and this is something that many people
tend to ignore most of the time. Clients think they can run from their
past. They think they can run from their families if their family
experiences were less than ideal. In Relational Life Therapy, it is by way
of truth - in loving kindness - that clients are confronted with the
realities of their current situations and given an alternative path to
take. They also receive the equipment they need to successfully stay on the
road of recovery.
"The biggest mistake people involved in dysfunctional marriage (or dating)
relationships make is two-fold. First comes the assumption that their
relationship is somehow faulty and that nobody else experiences any sort of
difficulties because we have learned to put up a facade. In real life,
every relationship is, by default, dysfunctional. The only difference
between one and the other is the extent of this dysfunction and the
reactivity or pro-activity that each couple takes to address issues.
Second, for individuals or couples that are involved in unsatisfactory
relationships the mistake is this: They leave one relationship and enter
another in hopes of improvement. Reality says that the issues, unless
discussed and dealt with in advance, will accompany them into these new
relationships, however unwelcome, and cause the same (if not worse)
complications in these new, initially hopeful, relationships with the same
failing result. Last, I would say, people wait too long. And not that it is
necessarily too late for repair work to be accomplished but the work that
needs to happen in order to undo the damage will take more effort, energy,
time and money than, say, if the couple hadn't waited for ten years before
seeking professional intervention," says Danka Bogott.
What makes her therapy even more unique is her ability to counsel from a
perspective of cultural competency and do so in several languages: English,
Spanish, Slovak and Czech while also offering fees based on a sliding scale
to accommodate different income levels. She also has availability on
Saturdays for individuals, couples and families unable to attend therapy
sessions during the week.