Mounting Evidence Reveals Journaling Offers Mental and Physical Health Benefits

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( — May 17, 2021) Wilmington, DELAWARE — Experts have been warning that COVID-19 doesn’t just affect people physically, but also mentally. 

In a survey, it has been found that in the United States, 4 in 10 individuals are worried about getting severely ill or dying from the virus. It is undeniably true that the pandemic has been wreaking havoc on many people’s mental health. 

It is important to realize that staying psychologically well is an essential step to surviving this pandemic. Practicing proper handwashing and social distancing is vital for increasing protection against COVID-19. 

Experts also recommend boosting one’s immunity as it could be significantly helpful for the body’s ability to combat the impacts of the virus. When it comes to taking care of mental health, experts strongly recommend certain activities found to be effective for individuals who are trying to cope up with anxiety and depression. 

One of the most therapeutic and enjoyable past times while under a lockdown or quarantine is to keep a journal. 

It is worth realizing that journaling doesn’t necessitate one to be a writer. It can be resorted to pretty much by everyone who has a pen and a paper. Starting a dream journal could be an excellent choice as it can help one go to certain areas of their life that may need more attention. 

It is worth realizing that journaling has long been found by researchers to be beneficial for various aspects of health. In some studies, it has worked in enhancing brain health. Keeping a journal means not just writing but also drawing some symbols and images on the notebook. It can be a lot of fun to write about the unique experience one has during these times of pandemic.  

It is important to keep in mind that in various research studies, journaling has been found to reduce high amounts of stress. It can actually serve as an escape from the terror the pandemic is causing or it can also be an emotional release. 

Journaling helps people check out on everything else and focus on themselves. It is similarly worth mentioning that it allows one to keep in touch with and understand their feelings, and this can be helpful in achieving internal freedom.  

While there are many who resort to the use of tablets and laptops in journaling, it is always best to keep a pen and notebook. The traditional mode of writing, particularly handwriting, has been researched and found to produce brain health benefits.

It is also a lot of fun to do especially when sets like the Tadkin Gel Pen Collection are used (

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