(Newswire.net — February 1, 2014) Chicago, Illinois — Business travelers and others that travel two or more times a year outside your home country would do well to consider multi-trip international health insurance plans. These are annual plans that allow for an unlimited number of trips of a certain duration, usually up to 45 to 70 days out of country trips in a year.
Plans can vary by
– Maximum coverage
– Country of citizenship
– Maximum allowed days out of country per trip
– Deductibles
– Maximum age of issue
– Coinsurance
Multi-trip plans cost a great deal less than purchasing single trip plans multiple times. There is security in knowing you are covered when out of your home without having to enroll in a plan for a trip. As these plans can cover trips of varying time periods there is no need to remember to extend your plan if your trip plans change.
Single trip international travel health insurance plans have to be extended prior to the coverage terminating. For example, if you have a single trip plan that you have purchased for dates June 10th to June 22cd and you find that you will not be returning until June 25th you must extend your plan before it expires on June 22cd.
Getting involved in a project can mean not being able to extend the plan or simply having the time pass. That can be tragic. If the plan expires and then a person has an accident or illness they would find themselves uninsured even if it just expired. That is not an issue with a multi-trip plan.
You might think a multi-trip international travel health insurance plan would have to cost a lot more. It doesn’t. Before any international travel check out both types of plans, single trip and multi-trip.
You can find plan details, brochures, quotes and experienced advice at
John K Arnold Insurance
910 W. Van Buren # 340
Chicago, Illinois 60607
Ph: 312-802-1208
Ph: 407-592-0311
Email: john@insurance-network.com