(Newswire.net — August 17, 2015) Franklin, TENNESSEE –The 4th annual Tampa Marketers Cruise led by Greig Wells will bring together some of the best internet marketers and business experts in the country. The event aims to create an environment where entrepreneurs can build life-long friendships, create business alliances and learn about the new technologies that promise to take any business to the next level.
Many businesses and entrepreneurs have passed through the hands of business-expert Tony Robbins including Greig Wells, the best selling author of “Dare to Succeed” which he co-wrote with Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
Greig has become an international speaker and business coach specializing in online marketing, LinkedIn, and webinars.
He has taken the coaching and mentorship from Tony Robbins to new heights and a few years ago he joined the Tony Robbins Business Mastery team.
Among the 120,000 executives and business owners that Greig has trained, The Irish Gift, Inc and Dúch Press Release Co. have been two of them. Both companies founded by Irish ex-patriot Éilís Crean, have expanded and grown since consulting with Greig Wells through his one-on-one coaching program.
“I met Greig a few years ago in Fiji where we were both attending the Tony Robbins Life and Wealth seminar. We enjoyed many great conversations and he was so humble. I had no idea at that time that he was such a world-renowned business expert” says Crean who has been working closely with Wells for the past eight months.
“We reconnected last year at Tony Robbins Business Mastery seminar and again at Date With Destiny in December 2014 where I was a volunteer crew member. I then signed up for his coaching program and his innovative ideas and creativity have really taken my businesses to the next level” continues Crean.
Greig has a unique ability to be able to see a business from a different angle, one that makes the business to stand out in an original way. His unconventional and masterful ideas give businesses an edge that distinguishes them from all their competitors.
“I learned from Tony Robbins that we should model someone who is already successful; someone who is already getting the results. That was an obvious choice for me” says Crean who now works part-time for Greig so that she can learn from the best and model his business strategies and approach.
Wells has achieved international recognition through his online webinars and has been seen on ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox media. Greig serves both business owners and job seekers through his writing, training, and coaching.
“Year after year, the education from the annual Tampa Marketers cruise has created an enormous impact on many business all over the country.” says Wells who is busy planning for the educational extravaganza which is coming up in October.
“And each year it keeps on growing and the feedback from our participants has been heartening because they leave with so many new ideas to grow their business” continues Wells who was recently featured in Fast Company Magazine as one of America’s Top Business Experts.
For more information on how you can signup for the cruise visit http://tampabaybusinessowners.org/event/2015cruise/
About Dúch Press Release Co.
You know how small Ireland-themed businesses in Ireland and the US struggle to find ways to get new customers from the Internet? Duch Press Release Co. solves this! We do this by helping companies rank at the top of google because we have mastered a technique and made it FUN by using press releases & videos to market Irish businesses! And you know how its hard to get into national publications like NBC, CBS, ABC & FOX so that you can become a celebrity in your field of expertise? We solve this too!. We do this by using a special ‘Insider” website and a unique press release format to guarantee this for any serious professional. To become a cited media expert email us now at info@duchpr.com!
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