New Book’s Yoga Poses Help To Sculpt A Celebrity Yoga Body For Summer

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( — April 23, 2013) Albuquerque, NM — What do Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, Madonna, Gisele Bundchen, Nicole Kidman and Halle Berry all have in common? Aside from being gorgeous, high-paid celebrities, all of these women are frequently seen toting yoga mats in and out of classes on a regular basis sculpting a yoga body.  While the popularity of yoga has dramatically increased over the last decade, the understanding that this ancient practice can do more than reduce stress and improve flexibility has not, despite hard-hitting evidence straight from the svelte bodies of celebrities and models worldwide.

Julie Schoen, author, yoga instructor, and co-founder of Little Pearl Publishing, is releasing her 8th book in her highly acclaimed Just Do Yoga Series, which has been topping the charts on Amazon for the past several months.  Her latest book, Get Fit Yoga Poses: Secrets To Sculpting A Summer Yoga Body, is the result of the past several years of her life, transitioning from modeling, to teaching yoga, to becoming a best-selling author.

Schoen first began using yoga as therapy after a serious car accident left her spine and ribs broken and her body in constant pain.  But as her injuries healed, yoga became more than powerful pain medication; it became her sole workout routine. 

“After just a few months of doing yoga,” says Schoen, “people started to notice how strong and lean I was looking.  Everyone, including my model friends, started asking for tips. ‘What are you doing? Teach me!’ They were literally knocking my door down asking for training sessions.” 

Schoen, who has trained under the Bikram tradition and with YogaWorks in San Francisco, originally compiled the content for this book for her private clients as a resource they could refer to between sessions.  “Once I started Little Pearl (her digital publishing company) I began to realize how much content I had that I could share with people.”

And share she has.  With thousands of books sold, Schoen is becoming a bona fide celebrity in the yoga world.  She has plans to release her first DVD this fall, but until then her inexpensive, content-filled books are the next best thing.  This weekend, the publisher as part of a promotional deal will offer Schoen’s newest book, Get Fit Yoga Poses: Secrets To Sculpting A Summer Yoga Body, at no cost. To find the book go to

Julie Schoen

Little Pearl Publishing

4801 Lang Ave, Suite 110

Albuquerque, NM 87109

+1 505-980-6485

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