(Newswire.net — September 22, 2017) Norwalk, CT — Bruxism, more commonly known as excessive teeth grinding or clenching, is a condition that affects a significant portion of the U.S. population. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 60 million people in the U.S. suffer from this condition. If left untreated, bruxism can cause serious consequences such as tooth fracture and loss, premature tooth erosion and tooth sensitivity, headaches and earaches, severe neck, jaw and TMJ pain, as well as sleep disruption.
Despite these painful and debilitating symptoms, there is currently no medication available for the treatment of bruxism; the recommended protocol is the use of a dental grind guard. Ora-GUARD®, a new, highly advanced dental grind guard offered by Bite Tech Inc., offers an innovative over the counter solution to address the negative effects of Bruxism that is easily customized for a comfortable fit by heating in a microwave or by boiling in water for 60 seconds.
Ora-GUARD’s multi-patented technologies were dentist developed, including a hard and soft surface wedge design. The patented bite plate wedge design is specially constructed to slide the lower jaw down and forward, releasing tension on the TMJ muscle while at the same time preventing teeth from the damaging effects of grinding. As well, it also has a soft, medical-grade fit material designed to both cushion the jaws and absorb tension during teeth or jaw clenching. An additional benefit of the soft medical grade fit material it that is helps improve occlusal misalignment. The patented “T” bar and labial strap ensure a secure, yet comfortable fit on the lower jaw, and it is designed in one size to comfortably fit palate sizes from two to two and a half inches wide for a superior fit.
Bite Tech was first established in 1995 as an oral health products company and continues to be a driving force of innovation which has led to over 45 patents related to groundbreaking product technologies since their inception. Ora-GUARD® is their latest and product innovation launched in the U.S. market, and to date is proving to have increased mass-market appeal.
To learn more about the innovative technology behind the Ora-GUARD® Dental Grind Guard and find the relief you have been looking for, visit https://www.Ora-GUARD.com.
About Bite Tech Inc
Founded in 1995, Bite Tech Inc is an innovation-driven oral health products company that manufactures and sells oral products to the dental channel and athletic mouthguards to sporting goods and mass retailers. Bite Tech Inc holds more than 45 patents and pending patents for its innovative, proprietary designs and technologies. Bruxism sufferers look to Bite Tech dental guards (Ora-GUARD®) for relief from teeth grinding and jaw pain while athletes in virtually all sports rely on Bite Tech mouth guards for protection and performance improvement on and off the field. Their bruxism relief and teeth grinding relief product, Ora-GUARD® is a new take on night-time teeth protection. Did you know that many other products in this niche rely on “soft surface barriers” to keep teeth from grinding together at night. The problem is that this soft material doesn’t allow your teeth and jaws to move naturally, meaning you still end up with a sore TMJ muscle in the morning. Worse yet, the soft material breaks down quickly under the intense pressure of heavy teeth grinding, meaning the life of these devices can be measured in weeks. Ora-GUARD® uses soft, medical grade material for fitting and to provide a cushion during clenching, but is built around a patented hard surface design that allows your teeth and jaws to slide naturally, protecting your teeth from the damaging effects of grinding and avoiding the “tension pain” in the TMJ muscle. Other Dental Grind Guards can’t compare and this is precisely why Ora-GUARD® is simply the best dental grind guard on the market today.
Bite Tech Inc
20 Glover Ave #1,Norwalk, CT 06850
United States
(888) 437-9427