New Gluten Free Probiotic Product from OpenDoors Nutrition

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( — July 11, 2014) Barrington, Rhode Island — OpenDoors Nutrition Daily Pro Blend 12B is a gluten free probiotic that delivers over twelve billion CFU’s per serving in veggie delayed release capsules. Anyone who suffers from celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity knows how damaging gluten can be to the friendly bacteria in their gut. When the digestive tract is healthy it filters and eliminates things that can damage it such as harmful bacteria, toxins, chemicals, and other waste products. However, suffers of a gluten sensitivity usually have a digestive tract that is both destroying and hindering its ability to perform those functions. The Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains found in OpenDoors Nutrition Daily Pro Blend 12B are formulated to help restore healthy gut bacteria that has been damaged from the ingestion of gluten.


More specifically, individuals with a gluten sensitivity should only consider a probiotic supplement with the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium Lactis as research suggests that it may be able to reduce the damage caused by ingesting gluten. It is the most researched strain in regards to celiac disease and sensitivities. Researchers in Finland found during their study that “B. lactis was able to inhibit permeability caused by gliadin” (gliadin is one of two main types of protein in gluten). The final conclusion was “Inclusion of probiotics appears to be able to reduce the damage caused by eating gluten-contaminated foods and may even accelerate mucosal healing after the initiation of a gluten-free diet.”1 Additionally, there are numerous other research studies to support these findings. When the digestive tract is functioning properly it takes the nutrients, from food and water, which the body needs, absorbs them, and helps deliver them to the necessary cells.


Probiotic supplements contain live cultures and it is imperative that they can be delivered to the gut alive or they are useless. The gluten free Daily Pro Blend 12B uses desiccant lined Activ-PolymerTM bottles to eliminate moisture and enhance the stability of the probiotics. Refrigeration is not required, although it is recommended, and every bottle has been lab tested to guarantee a two year shelf life at room temperature. Every bottle contains sixty delayed release vegetarian capsules and the suggested serving size is one capsule per day (Two month supply in every bottle).  A gluten free probiotic not only helps to improve digestive health but also may counteract the harmful effects caused by the ingestion of gluten.

To find out more about Daily Pro Blend 12B or to buy this gluten free probiotic supplement visit OpenDoors Nutrition’s Amazon webstore at

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**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Sunfiber is a trademark of Taiyo International, Inc.. Activ-Polymer™ is a trademark of CPS Technologies

1. Lindfors K, Blomqvist T, Juuti-Uusitalo KM, et al. Live probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis bacteria inhibit the toxic effects induced by wheat gliadin in epithelial cell culture. Clin Exp Immunol. 2008;152:552–558.

OpenDoors Nutrition

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