New HIPPA Rules shape Healthcare Industry's Document Shredding Practices

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( — August 5, 2013) West Palm Beach, FL — Saxon Archives, the leading document shredding company in Florida, has been helping healthcare professionals and facilities destroy sensitive patient data and documents. This practice does not only help protect the privacy of individuals but also help businesses fulfill legal obligations. 

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA that was enacted in the mid-1990s require healthcare organizations in the country to destroy documents containing identifiable information when no longer needed. Prior to disposal of such records, it is recommended by law that a document shredding company be tapped to destroy pertinent records. 

“At Saxon Archives, we take mobile document shredding seriously. We send security personnel to pick up documents and quickly destroy healthcare documents in our trucks within minutes,” explained Dwight Saxon, president of the company. 

“This is our commitment in helping these facilities protect individuals from identity theft,” Saxon continued. 

While data breaches on paper only accounts for about seven percent of healthcare records in 2012, this number still represents people who have been victimized by thieves and scammers and more people along the chain of improper data purging. 

“We make sure that all our employees know the repercussions of improper handling and destruction of medical records with identifiable data. They are all trained to give the best service possible to exceed the expectations of our clients,” one Saxon Archives supervisor said during an interview. 

The mobile document shredding service of the company is designed to meet the needs of healthcare facilities, large or small. Saxon Archives can also provide secure containers for free where documents can be stored in between regular visits. 

“They have been helping us for a few years now and we are very satisfied with their service. Saxon Archive is a document shredding company that serves as our headache pill, only that their mobile document shredding service prevents future problems for our company,” said a medical director for a hospital in Palm Beach, Florida. 

Aside from destroying documents, Saxon Archives also offer document scanning to help convert paper documents into digital archives. This allows healthcare staff to focus on their job while the company provides the necessary assistance. 

The company also provide document and media storage for healthcare facilities. Health practitioners are able to keep records of former patients without having to occupy a good amount of space in their offices. 

Saxon Archives is committed to help its clients in various industries to meet regulations such as indicated in the HIPAA, Gramm-Leach Bliley, Sarbanes-Oxley, among others. Every year thousands of tons of x-rays, medical records, blueprints, credit information, budget plans, contracts, among others are handled and destroyed by Saxon Archives. 

“Our team knows the implications of not following these regulations and you can consider us as a reliable partner of your business to efficiently manage your records in the highest quality of service possible,” Saxon said. 

If you want to find out more about Saxon Archives’ document shredding, document scanning, and document storage services, you can call them 561-882-1170 or 1-800-971-4158. Likewise they have offices in Palm Beach and in Treasure Coast. Learn more about their services at

Media Inquiries:

Dwight Saxon, Owner

Saxon Archives
1500 Ave R, Suite 100
Riviera Beach, FL 33404 USA
Phone 561-882-1170