(Newswire.net – April 11, 2013) Nancy, KY — Olgate Marketing announced today the launch of their new Lake Cumberland Houseboat Rental website.
The site offers detailed guidance on what exactly one can expect while on a houseboat vacation at Lake Cumberland. According to the sources, some of the points explained in detail are related to planning of a houseboat rental, things to do, and other points to consider.
According to Lt. Colonel James A DeLapp, Nashville District commander “The entire (dam repair) team has been working very hard towards getting this project completed and intends to raise the lake to elevation 700-705 feet by the summer of 2013, which is great news for everyone who loves to recreate at Lake Cumberland. More importantly, completion of the barrier wall will provide the safety to the dam and protection to the communities downstream. It will also enhance our ability to generate power and reduce low water environmental impacts”.
With the lake scheduled to return to its level of 700+ feet by the summer of 2013, Lake Cumberland will continue to be a great place to ski, fish, picnic, hang-out, or just about any other activity that comes to mind.
The new Lake Cumberland Houseboat Rental website also displays a YouTube video featuring Paul Bailey which details ‘The Story of Lake Cumberland’ otherwise known as ‘Kentucky’s Water Wonderland’ including its 50 year history.
Other interesting facts covered in the video include “Lake Cumberland’s shoreline measures 1,255 miles and the lake covers 65,530 acres. The reservoir ranks 9th in the United States in size, with a capacity of 6,100,000 acre-feet of water, enough to cover the entire Commonwealth of Kentucky with 3 inches of water. The main lake is 101 miles long and over one mile across at its widest point. Over 15,000 houseboats float on Lake Cumberland and numerous power boats play on its waters.”
Lake Cumberland is also home to two Kentucky state parks: Lake Cumberland State Park on its shore and General Burnside State Park on an island in the middle of the lake. In addition to being a great place for relaxing, boating, water skiing, and vacationing, the lake is also well known for its brown trout, lake trout, rainbow trout, auger, striped bass, sturgeon, and walleye fishing. Several of Kentucky’s record fish have been taken in the waters of Lake Cumberland, including: a brown trout at 21 lb. and a lake trout at 5 lb. and 5 oz.
To view the new website go to http://www.LakeCumberlandHouseboatRental.com
14365 Hwy 196;
Nancy, KY