(Newswire.net — February 9, 2015) — Cybersquatting is the act of registering, trafficking in, or using another organization’s domain name for the purpose of profiting from the organization’s good will. The number of cybersquatting cases has increased in recent years and trademark attorney Eric Norton of the Norton Law Corporation believes it is important for businesses, regardless of size or age, to have a solid understanding of domain name disputes.
A growing number of business owners are being affected by cybersquatting with no knowledge of how they can help themselves deal with the situation. They tend to feel like they only have a few choices:
• Rename the product or service being sold
• Pay the owner of the disputing website what he or she wants
• Legally strip the domain name from the organization committing the cybersquatting
While paying off the cybersquatter is easy, many domain thieves extort large amounts of money from businesses. It is at this point that the Norton Law Corporation, as seen at http://nortonlawcorp.com/services/trademark-services/trademark-enforcement-litigation/, offers its legal services to their clients in need.
At this point, Eric Norton of Norton Law Corporation, as seen at http://nortonlawcorp.com/services/business-services/domain-name-disputes/, will start with a thorough consultation of his client’s website domain along with their business and trademark. When he determines the extent of the grievance, the client pays a small fee and Norton Law Corporation submits a legal complaint under the recovery process referred to as the UDRP. The UDRP process acts largely like an arbitration procedure where the two sides present their case to a third party authority.
After Norton Law Corporation, as seen at http://nortonlawcorp.com, files a complaint under the UDRP process, they will provide the ongoing service of monitoring the case on behalf of their client until the official decsion is made. Once the URDP panel reaches a decision, Eric Norton of Norton Law Corporation will discuss the decision with the client, along with possible next steps.
About Norton Law Corporation: Norton Law Corporation was founded on the idea that business people could enjoy friendly, professional legal services that are designed to meet their particular needs. Founder Eric Norton communicates with each client and tailors his firm’s legal assistance to their individual business requirements, including trademark, copyright and incorporation services.
For More Information:
Eric Norton
Norton Law Corporation