(Newswire.net — September 25, 2013) Stamford, CT— Dr. Grisell Paz, Founder of a Medical Weight Loss Center in Stamford, CT elaborates on a new study of obese people in a 12-week physician-led weight loss program showed that participants lost an average of 28 pounds. The research made it into the June issue of The American Journal of Medicine. The information was collected from charts of patients at The Center for Medical Weight Loss (CMWL), the largest network of non-surgical medical weight loss providers in the US.
The study was based on information from four primary care practices and four doctor-led weight reduction clinics and included 413 participants total. The research indicates that an effective obesity treatment method can be achieved by way of a combination of doctor-directed behavioral therapy and meal replacement, which is the crux of the CMWL strategy.
Very few studies have highlighted weight loss plans implemented in a real-world primary care setting. This study retroactively examined in a blind method, meaning the doctor had no information on the patients who took part in a program. The patients were not incentivized or rewarded to remain under care.
“This study is very important because it means that people that feel they’re overweight can be assured that we have a great way to fight this disease and manage it on an ongoing basis,” said Dr. Grisell Paz, founder of The Medical Weight Loss Center in CT. “Most non medical weight loss chains have average results of around one pound per week, so this is a better option.”
The research also demonstrated primary care physicians are equally as effective at helping patients shed pounds as weight loss clinics led by doctors. However, primary care professionals don’t generally provide obesity treatment for quite a few reasons, including limited time, no reimbursement, and little training.
“We think doctors will see the significance of this and more will seek the education and training they need to offer medically sound assistance to their patients who are looking to lose the weight and keep it off. We foresee that this research will help break down most of the barriers and empower physicians to more effectively fight this epidemic,” Said Dr. Paz, in agreement with Dr. Kaplan. Dr. Paz expects to be receiving more referrals from general practices for her Medical Weight Loss Center in CT in light of this research.
Dr. Paz, a Nutritionist in CT , offers individuals who have previously had trouble losing weight a proven, evidence-based alternative, providing a physician-supervised program and focusing on a comprehensive, holistic approach that includes diet, exercise and behavioral modification. focuses on treating musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries, particularly those affecting the spine and extremities.
“For those people wanting to lose weight in a safe and effective way, you can get a free consultation, just in time for the holiday season.”
Contact her at (203) 437-4334 or visit her website at www.nutritionistinct.com