(Newswire.net — March 22, 2014) Lancaster, Pennsylvania — By Jackey Wallis
Nutritionist Scott Tucker recently announced the creation of a new blog that will document his experiments with following a high-fruit, or fruitarian, diet. There are little hard facts available about the health impact of a fruitarian diet, so Scott Tucker hopes to add his personal experience with to the currently existing body of knowledge.
“A lot of wild health benefits are claimed by proponents of fruitarianism,” says Scott Tucker, “And opponents of the diet claim that it is a quick way to get sick and die. I want to find out the truth for myself and share what I discover with the world, that’s why I’m starting this blog.”
Scott Tucker acknowledges that his experiment will fail to meet many of the requirements for a true scientific study, such as use of large data sets and control groups, but he maintains that the data he produces will still be important in moving research further.
“Fruitarianism is still so far out of the mainstream that it will be a long time before truly scientific studies are available,” says Scott Tucker. “However, there is a long history of experimentation and self-experimentation in the world of science. Whatever data I produce will have known limitations, but who knows what other studies my experimenation could lead to.”
The new blog by Scott Tucker will contain photos and descriptions of all of Tucker’s meals, updated on a daily basis. The blog will also contain regular photos and videos of Tucker himself, and weekly and monthly updates on health indicators such as blood analysis, body weight, blood pressure, and body fat percentage.
Scott Tucker commented on his aspirations for the blog: “I hope to inspire people to take responsibility for their own health and nutrition decisions, but most of all I hope to spur further research into the benefits and drawbacks of a fruitarian diet.”