(Newswire.net — January 25, 2014) Fort Lauderdale, Fl —
Located in Fort Lauderdale on the east Coast of Florida, many cruise travelers travel to this city before embarking on a cruise destination to other parts of the world. Rather than just a stopover, Fort Lauderdale and Miami save their bragging rights with featured restaurants like Old Heidelberg that has become home to many a traveler. Walking into Old Heidelberg feels like a foreign place since its surroundings are all traditional style décor with a Tudor roofline on the outside of the building. The traditional colors of blue, white, and brown hint of a German town in the home country as one might imagine seeing in Old Heidelberg itself.
The ambiance with accordion music and oom-pah syncopation surrounds the room with a festive glow and preparation for dancing skirts and Lederhosen (German shorts) should follow. As foreign travelers stay over in Fort Lauderdale for their cruise journeys, Old Heidelberg has become a staple stopping point with much anticipation.
There is nothing non-authentic about this place as the menu is laden with soups, salads, and appetizers from different parts of Germany while the entrees and specialties are reminiscent of what one would expect in Munich, Frankfort, Heidelberg, and other regional destinations less well known but no less known for their cuisine. The beauty of German food is the vastness of the home country which provides a wide variety of choices that range from meats, poultry, fish, seafood, and vegetables.
Being an old country there are lots of traditions and cultural habits that are rich and deep while the food and drink are intertwined throughout its culture without fail. With the music and dance celebrated with most of their traditional holidays, the German people are happy to share their culture with anyone willing to dance, eat, and drink. Regardless of one’s reticence to participate, it is hard to not feel happy amongst this German ambiance with so much to share and adore. Old Heidelberg’s proprietors are more than just owners. They are the chef, hostess, and center of life during festivities. They sing and dance along with their patrons and welcome any and all who walk through their doors.
Come to Old Heidelberg in Fort Lauderdale to experience the red cabbage and other fine dishes that are original. Contact them at: 900 SW State Road 84, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 (954) 463-6747 http://www.germanfoodftlauderdale.com / http://www.heidelbergfl.com
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