(Newswire.net via EmailWire.com– March 11, 2014) Chattanooga, TN — Chattanooga, TN—Today, Life Insurance 101, LLC, an online life insurance company, announced the re-launch of its new and improved website. Since its initial launch in 2012, the site has had a complete overhaul in appearance, but also as it relates to the user experience. “We’ve felt from the beginning that there’s a huge gap between the online experience and a face-to-face experience when it comes to buying life insurance. In an effort to create educate consumers, our site was specifically designed to bridge that gap”, says Robert Bruner, the company’s founder.
The website has an online quote system, which allows users to instantly compare the term insurance rates of 14 well-known life insurance companies. Once the quote results are returned, the application process can be started online. From there, the company processes its applications through its call center in Denver, CO.
According to LIMRA, a leading life insurance research and marketing association, consumers who receive a needs analysis are considerably more likely to buy than consumers who don’t. The Life Insurance 101 website also has a simple needs calculator, which allows users to apply a more scientific method to determining their insurance needs, instead of relying on rules of thumb. Once the need is determined, the death benefit amount is automatically populated into the quote system, integrating the two systems.
According to the Founder, the Learning Center is the heart of the website. “We researched other life insurance websites, and found many of them to be nothing more than lead generation systems, but we wanted to be different”, says Bruner. “We certainly don’t question the motives of some of the other life insurance websites, but we think their tactics don’t do much to help consumers understand the value of what they’re buying. We believe that buying life insurance is a major decision. While researching the competition, we were astounded at the lack of information on some of the sites we evaluated. It almost seems that the information has been omitted deliberately, because it takes more time to educate consumers than to simply provide a take it or leave it price.”
Online life insurance sales have increased substantially since the year 2000. The number of life insurance websites has also increased, as one might expect. The online life insurance environment has changed, but the consumer has also changed. Many consumers are more tech-savvy, and have more confidence in secure payment options and general privacy improvements. “Our site can save consumers time and money”, says Bruner, “but it also helps them understand what they’re buying. Many other life insurance sites only help their visitors compare prices, but life insurance should be purchased based on price and features.”
The company has already moved into phase two of the re-launch, which is to add substantially more content, including many additional educational life insurance videos. The company’s leadership believes that more and more people will buy their insurance online as time goes on, and they intend to emerge as the most comprehensive life insurance website on the internet. Click here to vist our site!