(Newswire.net — November 12, 2013) Dallas, Texas — Online Media Marketing Strategist, Jack Mize, announced on a live webinar today that a new book featuring Online Media Marketing strategies for small and local businesses would be released next month.
Jack stated “The Media Marketing pros that are contributing to this book are able to do things on the internet that very few online marketing consultants even know about.”
He went on to explain how building credibility and managing online reputation is critical to business owners today.
“The featured authors of this new book are able to ethically and effectively help business owners and professionals take ownership and control what consumers, vendors and potential partners find when they do a search for their name or business on search engines like Google” Mize said.
When asked how, he explained “These strategists are using tools and techniques that just aren’t available or even known about by the general public”.
Jack then stated “This new book featuring Online Media Marketing strategies for small and local businesses reveals amazing credibility building strategies that anyone can use to build more business. Any regular business owner can get more exposure by just following a few simple tactics outlined in this book.”
“Authority is important. Credibility is important. These are the things that drive people to use you over your competition, what sets you apart from the pack.”
Jack did not reveal the title but said the book will be available on Amazon in December.