Oshi Glows Introduces Its New Brand Of Clay Mask

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(Newswire.net — October 14, 2014) Beaverton, OR — Everyone is searching for that fountain of youth that will leave your skin looking younger and refreshed. A substance known to be effective is bentonite clay and this is the main ingredient in the Oshi Glows Healing Clay Mask.


According to an article on the benefits of healing clay written by Katie, “Bentonite is a swelling clay. When it becomes mixed with water, it rapidly swells open like a highly porous sponge. From here, the toxins are drawn into the sponge through electrical attraction and once there, they are bound.”


One of the benefits of using this clay mask product is it helps to provide the skin with minerals that are deficient in the diet or that it loses due to everyday skin care. Some of the ingredients found in soaps strip the skin of its natural nutrients leaving the skin feeling dry or in some cases, causing the skin to produce more oil and feeling greasy. This clay mask helps to regulate the nutrients the skin receives to rejuvenate and glows. Another benefit of using this clay mask is that it detoxifies the skin, getting rid of all the harmful toxins that affect the body.


Clay masks have been used by many spas all over the world. The main benefit of clay masks is that it can deeply clean the skin, improve circulation and even lift one’s mood. There is no need to spend hundreds of dollars on spa treatments. The product is affordable and can be done from the comfort of your own home.


The clay mask product by Oshi Glows works great with just about any skin type, so there is no need to worry whether the product will work for you. The mask is easy to apply to the skin and starts to work immediately after use. It can be used as often as desired, typically about three times per week.


Clay is also great for those who have trouble with acne. An article written by Josh Baum, “Bentonite Clay for Acne”, states that the primary causes of acne vulgaris, according to the Mayo Clinic, are excess skin oil production, bacteria and abnormal shedding of dead skin cells. Sometimes, due to hormones, heredity, medication and other factors, a person’s skin produces too much sebum, the natural oil the body uses to keep skin from getting too dry. A clay mask helps to shrink and tighten large pores where acne starts. Oshi Glows clay mask is premixed with organic Aloe vera and other botanicals – ready and easy to use.


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About Oshi Glows

Oshi Glows helps to fill a growing desire and trend towards healthy, natural and animal friendly skin care products.

Oshi Glows

9450 SW Gemini Dr #59934
Beaverton, OR United States 97008-7105
