For Immediate Release
( — June 5, 2013)Panama City Beach, FL — Nobel Prize winning research in Telomeres as well as patent pending human adult stem cell technology will be among the topics of discussion in an anti aging seminar held at Wyndham Bay Resorts, June 15th. The seminar will look at ways people can look younger, feel younger and how they can position themselves to take advantage of this huge niche.
In 2009 the Nobel Prize in Medicine was given for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and telomerase. Telomerase is a powerful anti aging enzyme that repairs telomeres and protects them from breaking down. “Healthy people with longer telomeres seem to be at lower risk of age-related illness, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer – the main diseases that stop us in our tracks today.”{Maclean’s Magazine , May 27 2013 pg.66}
A study published in 2013 in the journal Science demonstrated that an anti-aging protein in humans could be activated by resveratrol, at least in vitro and under certain experimental conditions.
In 2009 Dr Nathan Newman discovered that growth factors, taken from adult human stem cells, when applied to a person’s skin can stimulate the growth of new collagen and elastin.
On June 15th, Dr. Donna Antarr will lead a group in discussing the benefits of telomerase activator FINITI™, the powerful antioxidant resveratrol and the absorption rates of RESERVE™ versus that of other resveratrol products. Also being discussed is LUMINESCE™ Serum and the 240 growth factors it has. The LUMINESCE™ Serum when applied to a persons skin can stimulate their own stem cells to grow new collagen and elastin.
Dr. Tara Griffin of Emerald Coast Dental Spa is excited to be a part of these Panama City Beach Events. She said, “In the very near future we will be living longer and more importantly feeling younger. In the past 100 years our life expectancy rose from 45 to 75 years. Now more and more people will be living past 100 years of age but feeling like they are in their 70’s because of these new scientific discoveries. I look forward to being able to help those people feel younger and be healthier.”
The event will be held on Saturday June 15th at Wyndham Bay Resorts at 1:30 pm. For more information contact Anthony Carriglitto at
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