(Newswire.net — October 22, 2013) Tampa, FL — Mañé Center in Tampa Florida is a provider of non surgical solutions in Tampa Florida. Dr. Nelson Mañé D.C. has been in practice since 1985 providing chiropractic treatment and pain management in addition to notable work with autistic patients. With the increase in diabetes in the United States many diabetic sufferers also suffer from peripheral neuropathy. Statistics indicate that 60% of diabetics suffer with neuropathy also.
Peripheral Neuropathy is a very common (15-20 million Americans have peripheral nerve disease) yet relatively unknown condition. Neuropathy is a deterioration of the peripheral nerves (the nerves from your spinal cord outward toward the rest of your body) caused by damage to the peripheral nerves, neuropathy disrupts the body’s ability to communicate with its muscles, organs and tissues. Nerves are like wires that send messages from your body to your brain and back. Having a problem with these wires (neuropathy) can cause symptoms such as tingling, burning, itchiness, crawling sensation, dizziness, clumsiness and more. Most commonly the burning and numbness will start in your feet and with time will move up your legs. As the pain and numbness reaches your feet you may begin to feel pain and numbness in your hands also. The unrelenting burning pain can, at times, make patients contemplate suicide.
Dr. Mañé D.C. notes “Our approach to treating neuropathy is a multifaceted approach. Most important, is to determine the cause of the neuropathy if possible. Many times, the only work up for neuropathy is to check for diabetes. The patient is then told that if he is not diabetic but has burning and numbness in his feet, that his neuropathy is idiopathic (of an unknown cause). In fact, there are many other causes of neuropathy including conditions such as thyroid disease, issues with B vitamins, anemia, Lyme disease, statin drugs i.e. Lipitor, alcoholism, HIV, chemotherapy, kidney disease, flouroquinones i.e. Cipro, gluten sensitivity, immune disregulation, arsenic involvement among others.”
Patients who have diabetes are an at risk group of developing peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy can cause foot ulcers and pain in the feet and lower limbs. Some cases develop paralysis which can disable patients, disrupt normal living and detract from general quality of life. Dr. Nelson Mañé is constantly utilizing the latest solutions including High power laser therapy. High power laser therapy is a new non-invasive treatment performed on an out patient basis for neuropathy sufferers that have previously been non-responsive to other forms of treatment. With this painless, non-surgical therapy patients typically gain relief within a few treatments.
“We invite anyone suffering with neuropathy symptoms in Tampa Florida to stop by and visit our office. Visit our website for more information at http://www.manecenter.com or even visit our webpage about peripheral neuropathy symptoms and treatments or our high power laser therapy for additional information” notes Dr. Mañé D.C.
Dr. Nelson Mañé is board certified in chiropractic orthopedics and neurology. He has sub-specialty training in childhood neuro-behavioral disorders, electro-diagnostics, vestibular disorders (balance problems) as well as training in functional medicine. He is one of the most experienced doctors using high power laser therapy. He is a DAN! Doctor (Defeat Autism Now). He has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, BAY News 9 as well as the autism documentary “Walking in the Dark; Finding the Light in Autism. Dr. Mane has also been interviewed for Spectrum Magazine, Tampa Tribune and Parenting Special Need Magazine. Patients seeking treatment at Mañé Center will discover they are receiving the highest quality of care, because our genuine interest is your well being.