(Newswire.net — March 30, 2015) Huntington Beach, CA — Marketing is one of the most controversial aspects of business. On the one hand, this aspect of business is considered “indirect profit,” much the same as human resources and media relations. However, while it is an admitted short term cost, a company with no marketing section is one that will likely fail before its one year anniversary.
While direct selling is a very important and necessary endeavor, marketing is required for any company whose revenue relies on widespread interest, such as with consumables. To help companies avoid common mistakes, marketing consultant Perry Belcher shares his “Seven Deadly Sins of Marketing.”
Most people are familiar with the traditional Seven Deadly Sins associated with the Christian religion: Sloth, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath and Pride. Perry Belcher, as seen at http://www.plus.google.com/106535678519178991141/, succinctly applies each of these “sins” to the field of marketing. Of the listed sins, it is fair to say that sloth is one that can be referenced as a problem for all marketing departments, as many marketing managers want the most social media hits or corporate partnerships, but take efficiency to a “sinful” level by doing as little as possible to achieve those benchmarks.
Another “catch all” sin that may be referenced in his list of “Seven Deadly,” as seen at http://www.pinterest.com/perrybelcher/, is greed. Greed is manifested in the world of marketing by a marketing manager wanting something for no other purpose than having it. A killer advertising shoot can be beneficial and a worthwhile investment, but only if management has thoroughly analyzed the return on investment and determined its effectiveness. The same can be said for a marketing firm investing in an advertising contest. Winning is nice, but whether it will return a profit has to be scrutinized first. Pursuing such opportunities for their own sake can simply be described as “Greed.”
Perry Belcher, as seen at https://www.facebook.com/ThePerryBelcher, clearly understands the simple, yet complex nature of a company’s marketing strategy. His ability to put forth the challenges of marketing departments followed by his in depth explanation of the most prudent programs has gained him the reputation of a provider of useful consultation.
About Perry Belcher: Perry Belcher is a web marketing specialist, author and speaker who has helped many SEO marketers make the most of their talents.
For More Information:
Perry Belcher