Personal Credit Repair Expert Education For Long Term Financial Health Expanded

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Boss Life Consulting expanded its Credit Builder Program to assist individuals with poor credit to raise their credit score and leverage their improved credit to increase their standard of living.

Boss Life Consulting, an expert credit consulting company, expanded its Credit Builder Program. The expansion aims to help individuals with poor credit to improve their credit rating and achieve financial autonomy.

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This announcement comes in response to the increasing need to be financially literate to build wealth and achieve success.

A credit score is a bigger financial factor than many people realize. A 131 point difference in credit scores means a $150 reduction in monthly payments on the same $23,000 new car, as well as a 13% difference in interest rates, resulting in almost $10,000 savings over a 66-month term loan. This difference in interest rates can also be found in credit cards, mortgages, or any other form of borrowing.

Once clients have joined the program, the credit repair process begins with a complete audit of the client’s credit report. A full analysis of incorrect, outdated, or unconfirmed items provides a starting point for removing negative entries, which results in an increased credit score.

A lower credit score can create the opportunity to qualify for a better rented home or rented job. It can also potentially lower insurance rates.

By developing a strategy to sustainably increase clients’ credit scores, the program increases the borrowing options available to clients. It can also result in lower monthly payments.

This in turn enables clients to make large purchases that typically require a line of secured credit, such as a home or car. It raises the chance of credit card approvals, including approvals for credit cards with better interest rates and benefits.

Boss Life Consulting’s founder and CEO, Corey Allison, knows about building credit from nothing first-hand. He began researching credit and how to leverage it while in prison. Having turned his life around, he is now committed to helping others do the same and promoting positive change in communities throughout the US. In addition to becoming a credit expert and successful CEO of his own company, he’s the author of the book “How to Be the Boss” and a professional mentor to aspiring credit specialists.

Interested parties looking for more information on Boss Life Consulting or their Credit Builder Program to help repair and build credit should visit