Personal Loan Lender Spices Up Career With Bonding Camps – Credit Xtra

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For Immediate Release

( — July 22, 2013) Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore — With the new launch of new training programs for their employees recently, Credit Xtra is now going the extra mile to organize a bonding camp specially catered for their employees. The first though that comes to one’s mind will be – is there really a need for a bonding trip in the personal loan industry?

As the name implies, the aim of moneylenders in Singapore is to loan cash via different forms of personal loans to people who require quick cash to assist in their financial needs. Basically, experience in the customer service industry should be more than enough to qualify as a customer service officer in the company. However, we saw the ongoing efforts of Credit Xtra to push their organisation a higher level up in the personal loan industry. Intensive training programs for their employees make a whole lot of sense but organising a bonding camp may not be convincing enough.

Mr Ng, the organising commitee of the bonding camp, rebutted when questioned about the purpose of having a bonding trip in a loan company, “Many management have placed too much focus on the individual customer service skills of their staff and neglected the importance of teamwork in order to allow company growth. Our purpose of the bonding trip is to train up a professional team of customer service executives, where they are able to progress together as a team in the company. If you are not able to work in a team internally, what more mentioning about providing external service to customers?”

The bonding camp will be held in Labrador Park for three days and two nights, where the employees will learn to overcome the different obstacles planned by the management as a team. The relevance of a bonding camp in a loan company may still not be convincing, but the outcome will only be known after the bonding camp and training programs of Credit Xtra. It might be a flop but if one never try, one never know.