Pheromones: Cupid’s New Arrow to Land A Valentine’s Day Date

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( — February 14, 2014) Richmond Hill, Ontario — Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada – Another Valentine’s Day has arrived leaving millions of singles looking to find a date. While many search dating websites, many are shocked to discover that attracting love may be easier than they thought possible by using pheromones.


It’s no secret that certain love scents can attract others to you. Pheromones can be an aphrodisiac and are considered by many the secret weapon to almost magically cast a spell over unsuspecting individuals. Scientists at the Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia and its counterpart in France discovered the existence of human pheromones in 1986. 


“Certain scents bypass normal filters in our brain to make us even more appealing,” stated Susan Plantamura, pheromone expert and president of Rhinoz Solutions. “Using the right type of pheromones in the correct dosages can make you very attractive to others. It’s almost like having an unfair advantage over others that are seeking the same mate.”


Pheromones are chemicals both men and women produce and release naturally through the body to attract the opposite sex, though these pheromones are not consciously detected by others. Men secrete the pheromone Androstenone and women secrete Androstenold, both stimulate the brain to produce an emotional response such as attraction and sexual desire. Pheromones can also be used to decrease cortisol levels that inhibit negative responses in a person by stimulating the release of endorphins, the ‘feel good’ hormones in your brain.


Companies such as Rhinoz Solutions offer several scents to be able to appear more confident and possibly attract love into your life.


Whether you are looking for a date on Valentine’s Day or any other day, it is the proper use of pheromones and not unsafe dating websites that may be your secret weapon to finding the love you desire.


More information about Rhinoz Solutions can be found at


Pheromone Expert Available for Comment:

Susan Plantamura is also available for comment.  Plantamura is a respected pheromone expert and is president of Rhinoz Solutions – a leading company in the field of pheromones, which is based in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada.


You can visit their Facebook Page at

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Rhinoz Solutions

10660 Yonge Street, Suite 30545
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 4H0
