Phoenix Chiropractic Treatment With Activator Method | Services Expanded

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Simply In Demand Chiropractic (1-602-635-2820) has expanded their chiropractic and acupuncture services for people experiencing acute or chronic pain throughout the greater Phoenix area.

Now offering the Activator Method, a gentle, non-invasive form of chiropractic treatment, the expanded services for Phoenix patients can help alleviate acute back and neck pain, whiplash, sports injuries, spinal compressions, sciatica, and other painful conditions.

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The treatments at Simply In Demand, which include acupuncture as well as the Activator Method and other chiropractic techniques, are now available throughout the greater Phoenix region and are personalized for each patient’s individual needs, with support for weight loss, non-surgical back pain treatment, chronic knee pain, and more.

Research in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine shows that the Activator Method, a technique in which the chiropractor applies manual manipulation to the patient with the use of a small device, can be as effective as more traditional chiropractic methods and can improve a patient’s quality of life. Because individuals sometimes feel nervous about receiving conventional chiropractic techniques, the Activator Method at Simply In Demand Chiropractic allows people to feel relaxed and comfortable. “Patients of all ages can enjoy the benefits of an Activator adjustment,” explains Dr. Kelli Meier. “The technique is an especially good choice for older patients, children, and those with arthritis, osteoporosis, or other bone-weakening conditions.”

When using the Activator Method, Dr. Meier applies protocols to test neurological reflexes, detect spinal joint dysfunction, identify issues with body mechanics, and analyze leg-length inequalities. Once the patient’s imbalances have been identified, Dr. Meier uses the hand-held Activator device to administer controlled, fast, low-force thrusts in a gentle way.

Dr. Meier stresses that chiropractic care with the Activator Method is not only for chronic back and neck pain, but can also be used to treat a wide range of health issues. It also works as a preventative measure to keep the spine and vertebrae healthy and in a proper position, helping patients avoid dysfunction that can arise over time from everyday stress or old injuries.

In addition to the Activator Method, conventional chiropractic techniques are also available at Simply In Demand Chiropractic, as well as acupuncture, functionally integrated training, and VOM animal adjusting.

Previous chiropractic patients have positive reviews for the practice. Karin J. says “Dr. Kelli Meier was able to eliminate all the pain I’ve had in my neck and shoulders. It’s been a tremendous help.”

Further details can be found at:
