House painters in Phoenix, Arizona can now benefit from contactless payment options to bind clients easily. House painters will now be able to take payments remotely before dispatch and provided multiple convenient options to pay.
Grab Customers, a contactless payment options provider based in Westport Connecticut, is now offering contactless payment options for house painters in Phoenix, Arizona. This service will allow house painters in the Phoenix area to take payments remotely and prior to arriving on site. As well as allowing them to collect deposits immediately at the time of painting project deal and collecting full payments at the time of job completion.
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Business trends in recent years show that companies are choosing to focus on the technological aspect of business. Providing clients with immediate and contactless payment options is becoming more and more of a necessity to a successful business model. Through the new contactless payment interface that Grab Customers provide, house painters in Phoenix, Arizona can now offer this service to their clients.
By providing payment before dispatch options and e payment solutions, Phoenix house painters can bind clients easily. Grab Customers is offering house painters from Phoenix, Arizona a free live demo, which is accessible by filling out the appropriate paperwork at the aforementioned website. The team of well-trained staff can provide service solutions and insights regarding contactless payment advantages for their website.
Grab Customers works intimately with all of its clients to provide a seamless transition to an easy-to-use digital contactless payment methods, making is easy for the both the business and the client.
Furthermore, Grab Customers will also give a complimentary Google reputation and ranking package to a house painter in Phoenix, when they implement the contactless payment technology. House painters in Phoenix, Arizona will also benefit from the ability to turn all of their emails, social posts, web-pages and videos into potential money making machines, since clients will be able to pay immediately and easily via SMS messaging, QR codes or hyperlinks.
A spokesperson from the company said: “We also have the ability to help grow your profit margins by 28% without needing any more sales or business through the door.”
For more information, interested persons can visit the above mentioned website.