Plano Health Insurance Consumers More Supportive of “Medicare-for-All” Plans.

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( — October 23, 2018) — Plano health insurance consumers are showing a greater openness to receiving their healthcare through federal programs such as Medicare and other single-payer type options.

The appeal of “Medicare-for-all” is gaining more followers, including among Plano health insurance consumers.

Single-payer health insurance typically is defined as federal government programs which allow all Americans regardless of health conditions to be covered under Medicare and Medi-Cal. Many left-leaning health policy professionals and politicians have advocated for such a system for many years. Now, however, the data reflect greater support even among health insurance recipients in conservative states. Part of the evolution can simply be attributed to the rising costs of healthcare as well as the complexity and arbitrary rules many people face.

To underscore these trends, over 120 Congressional members signed on as co-sponsors for a bill named the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act. This is nearly a one-hundred percent increase in Congressional support from a mere two years ago. The bill would eliminate the current minimum age requirement of 65 to qualify for Medicare and open up the program to anyone regardless of age.

With many recipients of health insurance in Plano ineligible for full coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as ObamaCare, the potential for a single-payer option has appeal. Texas does not offer a state-based ACA. Residents are required to utilize the federal-run website Many health insurance professionals believe with all Americans enrolled in federal health plans, costs would dramatically fall due to a balanced health risk pool.

With 2018 mid-term elections quickly approaching, politicians are paying even more attention. In a recent poll conducted by The Washington Post/Kaiser Family Foundation, more than half of all Americans now support a single-payer system and increasing to nearly 75% among Democratic voters.

Rick Thornton, a Plano health insurance agent, believes time and circumstances will determine if Medicare-for-all gains more momentum. “Certainly federal single-payer plans like Medicare can save money for consumers. An example would be lower prescription drugs given the federal government’s ability to negotiate lower costs with manufacturers. But there is always a political component. I’ve heard from clients that they believe it will lead to higher taxes which discourages elected officials to push too hard with this potential change,” he stated.

The opinions on how health insurance is offered will continue to evolve but most agree that significant changes to the existing system are unavoidable.

Insurance4Dallas, (I4D), helps insure all of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, Alabama, Virginia and Florida. Insurance4Dallas provides consumers with detailed information on health insurance with the ability to purchase health insurance online. Insurance4Dallas provides a full spectrum of health, dental, vision, life and ancillary insurance products, providing a diverse selection of price and benefit options complemented by personal customer service. Available via phone, email or fax, Insurance4Dallas answers consumer questions throughout the purchasing process and during the utilization of its health insurance policies.