Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is Real! Treatment for PTSD Anxiety

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( — October 3, 2013) Scottsdale, AZ — 


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is Real!


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can affect anyone at any age or state of life, adults, teenagers and even children.  It is a severe condition that may develop after a person is exposed to one or more traumatic events, such as experiences in the military, sexual assault, serious injury or the threat of death. The diagnosis may be given when symptoms such as disturbing recurring flashbacks, avoidance or numbing of memories of the event, and high levels of anxiety continue for more than a month after the traumatic event. Rates of PTSD are higher in combat veterans than other men, with a rate estimated at up to 20% for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.


PTSD is caused by a physically and emotionally shocking experience(s) entrenched with overwhelming stress and fear.  At the time the experience is happening, the body’s re-action to fight or flight can not always be processed normally because of extreme extenuating circumstances.  Whatever age or stage of life that the abuse or trauma is experienced, the person is affected physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  This all goes hand in hand in very non-productive ways.  All aspects of the persons’ life, their families, their co-workers and associates are affected by PTSD.


During these highly emotional experiences, the individual simply does not always have the experience to experience the experience. Therefore, the trauma becomes embedded at the cellular level of consciousness.  Without the resources to understand what is happening to the body, the emotions are stuffed down.  The body becomes stressed.  When the emotional and physical aspects of the issues are suppressed, anxiety and depression becomes the ‘norm”.  When family members, friends or associates can not “see” anything wrong, the individual suffering from PTSD, who can’t explain what is happening inside of them, the person feels a loss of their own personal power.  The individual feels invalidated, which only makes the anxiety and depression deepen. This is worse that a Catch-22.  Everyone is caught up in the issue.


In these instances, the individual tries to deal with the difficult situation.  Many times the individual ignores the symptoms, fearful of being labeled a mental case.  Disregarding what happened, the body’s physiology and nervous system is challenged. The body and the brain can not deal with situation especially if the distressing conditions are on-going. 


Soldiers under continuing wartime traumatic life and life and death situations, under nerve-racking mental strain and overpowering fear, are simply not able to relax or allow their bodies and minds to recover from physical and emotional stresses.  In this current time, PTSD is an epidemic among the soldiers described as Combat Operational Stress There are three clusters of PTSD Symptoms:  1. Re-experiencing – Flashbacks,  2. Avoidance – Disconnected from self and others, 3. Hyper-Arousal – Always on guard, anger. 


Lance Corporal Justin T. Webb, USMC, suffering from PTSD after serving in Iraq, was suicidal, depressed, unemployed and unable to transition from military to civilian life. Hear Justin describe the benefits from just a single one hour private session with Sherry Anshara. He was so thankful for the results, Justin followed up by taking QuantumPathic’s Intuitive Powers/Practical Applications 40 hour course. He now recommends to the Veteran’s Administration that transitioning veterans and everyone suffering from PTSD should be provided with sessions and classes utlilizing the QuantumPathic Energy Method (QPEM).


At the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness a progressive process is offered to those suffering from PTSD, whether military or civilian.  By accessing the cellular memory information without re-experiencing the trauma allows the individual to change the “what” of the experience by understanding the “Why” of it.  The history of the experience can not be changed.  What can be changed is the emotional and physical attachment to the event(s). 

By acknowledging the physical connections of the traumas to the body and understanding the subsequent dysfunctional behaviors associated with the situation, the emotional and physical traumas can be released at the cellular level without reliving the experience.  As the non-emotional observer, the individual is able to move forward and live a positive, productive life. This is more than hope, there is resolution.  Now a solution can happen.


Sherry Anshara, Medical Intuitive, is Founder of the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness, creator of the QuantumPathicR Energy Method and Founder/President of the Blended Healthcare Consortium in Scottsdale, AZ.  Sherry is the author of The Age of Inheritance, the Activation of the 13 Chakras and The Point Is…Beyond Duality, and the CD Awakening the Diving Being Within You.  Sherry Anshara hosts Conscious Living Internet show 5:00 PM PST live every Wednesday on

Quantum Pathic

6701 E Clinton
Scottsdale, AZ 85254