(Newswire.net — February 9, 2014) Temecula, CA. — Hormones plays vital role in our body, the decline or loss of these go as we age; but again aging is not the culprit. Thus, Dr. Neal Rouzier, a hormone doctor who specializes in Bio identical Hormone Therapy which focuses on the prevention of age-related diseases.
Preventive Medicine Clinic in Palm Springs, California offer hormone replacement therapy. Owned and managed by Dr. Neal Rouzier, the health care team assures that this natural hormone therapy is safe and study proven.
Bio identical Hormone Replacement Treatment is tailored according to the patient’s needs. The team also advocated on assisting individuals towards living a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise. Along with appropriate supplementation of vitamins and minerals, a healthy aging will be achieved.
HRT or hormone replacement therapy has many benefits. According to a recent study, it reduces the risk of heart diseases, prevents development of cancers and malignancies, weight gain, improves insulin response, eliminates symptoms of discomfort for women experiencing PMS and others.
Dr. Rouzier strongly stated, “I have been on the forefront of the latest, exciting, most innovative therapies. There is a safe, effective and reliable medical therapy to protect your health as you age. I have been researching and specializing in this therapy since 1997 – Preventive Medicine and Hormone Replacement Therapy. This involves restoration of hormones to youthful levels with comprehensive medical supervision.”
The US National Institute of Aging has granted 7 universities to conduct thorough research about hormone therapy. Dr. Rouzier observes his many patients improvements and with the updates of current researches, hormone replacement reverses the symptoms of aging. He said, “This gives us great hope for not only a long life, but also a healthy, active life – with the emphasis on quality.”