(Newswire.net — October 24, 2013) Boston , MA — A new article and informative video titled Probiotics Reduce Severity and Duration of Common Cold by 27% shows how supplementing probiotics can reduce the severity and duration of the common cold by 27%.
Consuming probiotics on a daily basis can lead to a 27% decrease in symptoms related to the common cold. After studying over 500 people supplementing with probiotics on a daily basis for five months, it was concluded that probiotics decrease the effects most associated with the common cold.
Typically promoted as a way to improve digestive health, treating the common cold shows new health benefits for probiotics; especially in protecting against various illnesses caused by bacteria and viruses.
The body contains over 100 trillions of different types of bacteria, probiotics are the good bacteria that support sound health. For optimal health, medical professionals recommend maintaining at least a 9:1 ratio of good to bad bacteria.
In addition to a 27% decrease in common cold symptoms, supplementing with probiotics is associated with a shorter time sick and fewer sick days.
The common cold affects nearly 500 million people people in the U.S. each year. Daily supplementation with probiotics can reduce the symptoms and duration of the common cold by up to 27%
The complete Probiotics Reduce Severity and Duration of Common Cold by 27% article is available at: http://healthnewswires.com/probiotics-common-cold-1/
The video detailing the benefits of probiotics in treating the common cold is available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hTq04zBboY
About: HealthNewsWires.com is a new website that was launched in June of 2013 in order to educate the community in the importance of health and wellness. Previous topics covered on the site include Insulin Resistance; upcoming topics to be covered include weight loss, benefits of antioxidants, skin health, joint health, metabolism, digestive health, probiotics, gluten intolerance, cleansing diets, heart health, as well as several other highly informative articles to help people understand the connection between health and a high-quality of life. Most recently, they released a video explaining Ways To Lower Blood Sugar.
A free downloadable report providing information to ensurenappropriate amounts of probiotics in the body is available at: http://HealthNewsWires.com/probiotics-common-cold/