Product Stop, Inc. announces their new pepper spray disguised in a lip

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( — September 21, 2013) Las Vegas, NV 

Product Stop, Inc. has just announced their decision to sell their new product, pepper spray disguised in a lipstick container exclusively on Amazon. The reason being, that Amazon is known for their high quality services that the company has come to expect to provide their customers with each and every purchase on all of their products.

Through selling on Amazon, Product Stop has been able to reach out to a larger and more diverse customer base, and they are able to take advantage of Amazon’s trusted brand as an online retailer, giving an edge to the company’s competitive stand on providing the utmost standards in care and services to their customers along with their high quality and trusted products offered for purchase. 

The Product Stop team is extremely confident that their release of pepper spray hidden within a lipstick container will provide their customers with the quality and dependability that is expected of self defense products, whether those customers are new to the world of self-defense or have been practicing self defense professionally.

With development and research, the Product Stop team has is able to offer a pepper spray product that can give even their competition in pepper spray and self defense products a healthy battle of quality and overall durability while maintaining an affordable cost for their customers.

Through a prolonged period of testing of their new product addition, the company has insured that all of their pepper spray will meet even the highest standards of their customer’s needs. Through the proper use of this product, it is expected to provide the best possible defense against attackers than the competition’s offered products.

When choosing your pepper spray, it is absolutely necessary to reach out to a company you know that you can trust. Product Stop’s guarantee for satisfaction helps to provide a peace of mind when purchasing such an important self defense item. Of course, the added benefit of the lipstick container disguise will help to aid in keeping their customer’s need for discreet forefront in the packaging of the pepper spray product.

Anyone who’s ever used pepper spray products can tell you just how empowering it can be to carry it with you where you go. Not only is it a non-lethal alternative to many self-defense products on the market; it will help to provide the user with much needed time to get away from their attacker before going to the authorities.

Product Stop’s new pepper spray line has been developed and designed to target the incredibly high standards of the self defense world. With a high quality that their customers can trust, and providing an easier and more discreet way of carrying pepper spray, these pepper spray disguised in lipstick containers are now conveniently available at Amazon.


Product Stop, Inc.

6130 Elton ave
Las Vegas,NV 89107

(702) 608-3233