(Newswire.net — April 30, 2013) Superior, CO — The Carpet and Rug Institute’s Seal of Approval program now approves Professional Carpet Systems of Superior. The program is designed to help homeowners pick a qualified carpet cleaning company.
The Seal of Approval program was created because consumers had problems finding qualified carpet cleaning companies when their carpet needed cleaning. Carpet manufacturers have recommended professional cleaning every one to two years. But hiring the right company to do a quality job was always the problem.
Anyone can start a carpet cleaning business without any experience or training. Just because a company calls themselves a professional carpet cleaner, doesn’t mean they know what they’re doing. Initially, Shaw Industries began recommending companies that were certified by the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (also known as the Cleantrust). The Cleantrust is the largest cerficiation body for professional carpet cleaning companies. However, problems ensued with some of the certified companies using improper equipment or chemicals.
In 2007, the Carpet and Rug Institute began working on a better program to help raise the bar and join together carpet cleaners, manufacturers and carpet retailers. The program requires that, for carpet cleaning companies to be approved, the Cleantrust must certify them. But as well, they must also use Carpet and Rug Institute Seal of Approval cleaning chemicals and equipment. This helps to complete the entire picture.
Shawn Bisaillon, owner of Professional Carpet Systems of Superior, states, “We want to let the entire Colorado area know we are approved by the Seal of Approval program. This is just one way we can show we are in compliance and that we are ture professionals.”
Professional Carpet Systems of Superior’s owner, Shawn Bisaillon, is certified Master Carpet Cleaning Technician with the Cleantrust. In addition, he instructs and helps certify other carpet cleaners all over the United States on how to properly clean.
Contact information:
3444 Huron Peak Ave Superior, CO 80027(303) 403-1900