(Newswire.net — May 9, 2013) Geraldton, Australia — A health related e-Book containing all the pertinent facts about the potent effects of chlorinated water on people’s health, will soon be released.
The e-Book, authored by Dr. Kiss, a man who has spent a number of years researching data about the harmful effects of chlorine, will be launched this week. The e-Book presents facts about chlorine and its dangers to your health.
One of the studies that are presented in this e-Book was conducted by Dr. Joseph Price. Dr. Price was able to prove that prolonged use of chlorinated water can destroy your health and can cause a multitude of fatal diseases that includes many types of cancers like cancer of the breast, rectum, bladder, intestines, and other respiratory tract infections.
Readers of the e-Book titled “Death by Natural Causes or Pre-Meditated Murder” will also be given ideas on how to reduce the ill effects of ingestion of chlorinated water. Here are some of the ways of preventing the ill effects of chlorinated water from getting worse.
* Avoid taking hot showers or baths using chlorinated water. Heat causes chlorinated water to turn into water vapor known as chloroform, which is toxic. When a large dose of chloroform is inhaled, it can even render a person unconscious.
* Remove chlorine by-products from the water that you use by letting the water stand in unclosed containers. When heated chlorine evaporates, leaving the water free from the dangerous THMs, which can cause cancer, respiratory tract infection, urinary tract infections and cardio-vascular ailments.
* Avoid swimming in pools in which water is heavily treated with chlorine. Your health is greatly endangered by doing several laps in a pool with concentrated levels of chlorine. When you swim, you exert effort and breathe in air in gulps. Because of this, more dangerous substances gets into your body.
* If possible, use other means of purifying the water that you use. There are filters that you can install in your main water line, so that dirt and other pathogens that can cause water-borne diseases are removed before you use it.
* Find alternative water treatments. Some countries are treating the water with ozone. This is safer, considering that ozone does not produce any dangerous by-products. You can also treat your water with Ultra Violet, which has no known dangerous by-product as well.
* Have shower heads and ventilation fans built in your bathrooms. This way, evaporated chloroform will be sucked from the room, instead of spreading throughout the house, making all members of the household vulnerable to its effects.
This e-book by Dr. Kiss is an attempt to provide readers with simple and cost effective ways to protect themselves and repair the ill effects of chlorinated water.
For further information please contact http://www.deadlywater.com.au or email drkiss@deadlywater.com.au
Media contact: Edward Morrows; Email: edsnewstoday@gmail.com