(Newswire.net — April 23, 2014) Englewood, Colorado — Englewood, Colorado
It was in a weeks long internet survey canvassing the views of New Method, LLC’s peers and Real Estate Agents alike that they were voted Top Postcard Marketing Company for Real Estate. This came as quite a surprise for Bruce Rogat owner of the company.
New Method, LLC has become famous for their Keep’em Cards®. Those postcards have made thousands of Realtors, millions of dollars in commissions. Now, their nationally famous Keep’em Cards® are available as a new program called EDDM.
Every Door Direct Mail is a program offered by the United States Post Office at a large discount in postage cost. In addition, the postcards must actually be larger than the regular Jumbo Size Postcards that they sell daily. The EDDM Postcards are 5½” x 11″, full color on both sides and UV coated on the front. That is a glossy protective coating that is put on to bring out the color and protect the postcard from getting scratched or damaged in the mail.
The beauty of dealing with New Method, LLC is that once set up, the program is totally hands free. The Realtors know that each and every month a brand new Keep’em Card® is going to be designed, printed, labeled and mailed to their Farm Carrier Route or Routes and they don’t have to lift a finger. It is on Auto Pilot.
New Method, LLC just did a study with some of their Real Estate Agent Clients. They found that the ROI (return on investment) was in some cases 15 times what their investment in the postcard marketing had been.
As an example, if a Realtor sells a home for $350,000 and receives a 3% commission ($10,500), the cost to mail to 1000 homes (a large farm) comes to $470. If they spent $470 per month on this postcard marketing program, the commission on one sale would pay for their marketing for 22 months. Just short of 2 years. They find that most agents get at least one or two sales in the first year, and that jumps to four to six sales in the second year. By the end of the third year they should be seeing fifteen to twenty sales or more per year.
They have had agents get up to between 40% and 50% of the listings in their farm area. If a farm of 1000 homes has a turnover rate of 10% each year, that amounts to 40 to 50 sales. You can do the math. Three years of marketing 1000 homes each and every month comes to $16,920. If the average home sells for only $300,000, the commission comes to $9,000 at 3%. If the Realtor only makes 20 sales in three years, that comes to $180,000 or 10 times ROI. Increase to 30 sales in three years and the commission increases to $270,000 or 16 times ROI.
Postcard Marketing works! Plain and simple and now that the price has been cut by about 42% Off of the regular postcards that New Method, LLC sends out, it becomes the most cost effective marketing program for a Real Estate Agent out there.
New Method, LLC has a website at: http://www.RealEstatePostcards.co where you can go and sign up for their EDDM Postcard Marketing Program.
They also offer a group of Six Free Special Reports that may help you in your marketing efforts. There is no obligation what so ever, just click on this link. FREE SPECIAL REPORTS and you will be emailed a zip file automatically.
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