(Newswire.net — October 8, 2013) New York, New York — JVZoo.com is a website that sells digital products from ebooks through to software, and the hottest product on there are at the moment is Alex Cass and Alex Beckers website siloing software named SEO Zen.
Over 6000 copies have been sold world wide with rave reviews from internet marketing experts and SEO experts alike.
Becker and Cass are mainly known for their Source-wave.com website where they provide both free and paid services around the subject of SEO (search engine optimization).
SEO Zen was launched on the 1st October 2013, and is an automated tool that silo’s webistes. Becker explains that siloing is a great way to pass page rank around relevant pages but is time consuming. He also said “Siloing is a very powerful SEO technique laying your silo site out in a specific structure that helps Google discover the theme of your website”.
Becker continued and said “It redistibutes link juice from external URLs throughout your site because of all the pages on your sites are interlinked. This means that when of your pages gets a link, it passes link juice to the other pages of your site in that silo”.
There are lots of testimonials on the sales page here. One of the reviewers said “I have had massive success using the software and silo method to rank local clients for relatively uncompetitive with no backlinking what so ever”.
One online marketing expert, Brian Parnall, has produced a video that shows people how to set these silo websites for free, using free tools. Within this video he also explains in detail why siloing actually works, and some of these reasons are not the same as what other people are talking about.
Parnall says, “I have been using silo structured website for over 3 years now and as I explain in the video it all came about after Google advised they love Dynamic Websites”.
To view the video where Parnall explains how to do build these type of websites for free click here.