( — 17, January, 2013) Ocean City, MD — The rental season for Ocean City Maryland has picked up steam for the first part of 2013, with rental properties expected to fill up much more quickly compared to the previous two years. The downturn in the economy since 2008 has left many properties in this beach town vacant for many weeks of the year, but there are signs of increased interest and activity for the 2013 beach season.
The peak rental season for properties in Ocean City is Memorial Day through Labor Day. The annual kick off for many renters is Senior Week which hosts graduating high school seniors from many states throughout the Mid Atlantic Coast. Due to schools finishing at different times, this event can stretch for almost a month, and many rental agencies and personal renters consider senior week to be the official start of summer.
Cathleen Marose, a renter in Ocean City stated that she has seen a large increase in the number of inquires she has received since the beginning of the year. “Normally we get a few calls right after the holidays, and then it really starts to pick up in March and April. This year, we have had a lot more people request quotes for the upcoming season. It is really nice considering the last few years have been pretty slow.” Marose stated that she uses Vacation Rentals By Owner, and her own personal OC website to fill her 3 bedroom, 2 bath condo on 140th street. Both VRBO and her site have created a heavier volume of rental inquiries to start the year.
Ocean City Maryland is a family oriented beach vacation destination that offers a large number of hotel rentals and condo rentals. The rentals are generally broken down between Ocean front, ocean side, ocean block, and bayside properties. You can choose from Ocean City rental properties on the south end which includes the world famous boardwalk, or move further north 145 streets before you move into the state of Delaware which also offers some wonderful rental properties. There are vacation properties in Ocean City available to families of all sizes. To learn more about hotels and condominiums availabe in Ocean City, you can speak with many of the rental agencies available.