(Newswire.net — February 25, 2013) Melbourne, Vic — Just as West Coast’s Darren Glass fears that the AFL’s reputation could be sent down the same path as cycling, all business owners and managers must be aware of how their reputation is on display to the world and the effect it has on sales and profits.
As a result, Reputation Is Everything was launched to help business owners to market and manage their reputation. The service is designed to help businesses identify if they have a bad reputation or no reputation and how they can fix it by building it into a 5 Star reputation.
“Business owners and managers don’t realise that customers are talking about them on the Internet and what they say has a huge impact.” Mr Granger said.
He went on to explain how negative reviews will stop customers calling, even when they are on the first page of Google.
Nielsen’s Trust in Advertising report shows that 72% of people trust other consumers’ opinions of business before they trust ads in newspapers, radio or TV or the businesses website.
“Social proof is the new Word of Mouth,” Mr Granger explained. “It’s now visible to thousands of consumers instantly. And those consumers will read 6 to 10 reviews before deciding to buy from a business.”
With reviews having so much social impact, businesses that have poured thousands of dollars into SEO to get on the front page with bad reviews or no reviews could be in for a shock when the expected surge in calls and sales do not happen
With Reputation Is Everything being able to monitor reviews by customers and then help market those reviews effectively, the opportunity for businesses to ensure their investment in online marketing continues to generate calls and sales improves dramatically.
For more information about Reputation Is Everything and their reputation marketing and monitoring services, contact Mr Warren Granger at warren@reputationiseverything.com.au or by phone on 0413 396 427.