Research Team Now Investigates Swallowing Problems in Aging Adults

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( — December 14, 2018) Orlando, FL — In the United States, one-quarter of adults are predicted to suffer from a swallowing problem at some point. This is why researchers investigate the ability of people to swallow as they age.

The Johns Hopkins University team hopes that their findings will help rehabilitation experts design exercises, which could help prevent swallowing disorders in at-risk older adults.

It included 31 adults, ages 62 to 91, without swallowing issues, and 33 healthy young adults, ages 18 to 28.

It is worth mentioning both groups underwent an X-ray video test that revealed the mechanics of their swallowing.

Researchers found that in older adults, the swallow started later. This places older adults at an increased risk of food entering the lungs. This could potentially heighten the risk of aspiration pneumonia, which could turn fatal.

Individuals who are undergoing the aging process are strongly advised to take the measures necessary in protecting and improving their health.

Aging can come with a range of symptoms and other undesirable health consequences. This is why more and more health experts strongly recommend the use of nutrients like B vitamins to help fight its symptoms.

Researchers say that these water-soluble vitamins aid in strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous systems. They also work in improving mental health as well as cognitive function.

Scientists reveal that vitamin B1 is a powerful antioxidant. It helps offer protection to the body from the symptoms of aging.

These symptoms include age spots, wrinkles, and some other age-related conditions that regularly impact the organs.

Individuals who are undergoing the aging process may take into account adding more B vitamins to their diet.

It has been found that certain factors actually affect the absorption of B vitamins inside the body. This includes age, which may place the body at a risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.

The Institute of Medicine suggests those who are 50 years old and above should get vitamin B12 from a synthetic source. This could be a fortified product or a supplement, such as Purest Vantage B Vitamin Complex, as they are more absorbable.

It is important to remember that even moderate consumption of alcohol and poor diet can impede the proper absorption of B vitamins.

Statistics in Canada have shown that those aged 65 years and above in Canada are at a nutrition risk. There are other risk factors of deficiency, like being vegetarian and the use of some medications.

To experience the benefits of B vitamins one may use Purest Vantage B Vitamin Complex. This highly potent and pure formula is loaded with the therapeutic goodness of B vitamins.

It is even protected with a money back guarantee. It contains Choline, Pantothenic acid, Biotin, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamin, and vitamin B6.



Purest Vantage is passionate and dedicated to developing high-quality products that assist people in maintaining optimal health, enabling them to enjoy all the benefits a healthy lifestyle offers.


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