How do you define abundance and what factors go into becoming an abundant person? That’s the subject matter of a brand new book that has taken Amazon by storm.
Author Richard Kuhns B.S. Ch.E. is proud to announce that he has hit the top of the Amazon book charts with his latest book “The Abundance Factor – How To Tap Into The Unlimited Abundance Of The Universe And Have Anything You’ve Always Wanted” which he co-authored with his good friend, Joe Vitale, the legendary author of “The Attractor Factor” and star of the hit movie, “The Secret.”
The book is a vast collection of stories compiled from the world of spirituality, business, finance, and relationships and is the ultimate guide to achieving unlimited abundance in every area of a person’s life.
According to Richard, “When Joe Vitale contacted me about co-writing the book, I couldn’t believe my luck. It was truly an honor to have been his co-author in this ambitious project. As the title suggests, there are many factors that prevent us from finding abundance and many factors that help us to achieve unlimited abundance. This book shows individuals how to overcome the negative factors and attract the positive factors that ultimately lead to a lifetime of real abundance anyone can enjoy.”
The book was released on April 23, 2018 by Expert Author Publishing and contains over forty stories that share the secrets to finding real abundance in a person’s life. The deep personal stories range from a tantalizing tale of rags to riches to learning the secrets to overcoming stress and regaining control over one’s life.
“The Abundance Factor” is written for those who are committed to finding a way to change their lives and want to break free from the countless everyday struggles they are currently experiencing. The book goes far beyond just talking about living an abundant life and shows you forty examples of people who took action and made abundance possible from the throes of hardship and failure to become the people they are today..
Each story has been carefully produced from the real life adventures of all the authors listed and brings together lessons learned that will both motivate and inspire anyone on their own journey to finding abundance.
Richard states unequivocally, “My own road to abundance was a long and arduous journey filled with many ups and downs but I learned abundance starts in the mind first. All the great turning points in my life coincided when my mindset was aligned with the authentic me.”
“The Abundance Factor” was a long time in the making but the end result is another winning combination of inspirational stories mixed with a time-honored message that everyone can relate to… achieving true abundance in financial, spiritual, emotional, and physical health.
When asked why the book has become so popular, Richard remarked. ”Everyone wants to attain a certain level of abundance in their life but most people don’t know how to get there. The Abundance Factor is their roadmap to a happier and healthier new life.”
The book is available on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites and through the author’s own website at
For more information about Richard’s books and to arrange to have Richard speak at your next event, you can reach him at:
Tel: 732-531-1178