(Newswire.net — August 26, 2015) Hampton, Victoria — Former spokesman for a popular sandwich chain was charged in a federal court with repeatedly paying to engage in sexually explicit acts with children and with receiving and distributing child pornography. Jared Fogle, who for years served as the spokesman for Subway, is expected to formally enter plea to the charges. According to court documents, Fogle used websites to solicit commercial sex and traveled to engage in sexual acts with minors from 2007 until January 2015. The documents also allege that Fogle received on multiple occasion’s images and videos of nude children from Russel Taylor, who served as executive director of Fogle’s childhood obesity charity. These pornographic images comprise of children as young as six.
“The younger the girl, the better.” That was one of the text messages Fogle has sent to a 17-year old girl he has paid to have sex with him in an exclusive hotel in New York. According to Washington Post, a dozen minor victims, two of which are now adults, were secretly filmed and photographed in Taylor’s home and these same images and videos were then distributed to Fogle and others. Fogle even socialized with the victims at events in Indiana and knew that they were minors and being secretly filmed.
“As an experienced investigator, a seeker of truth, and a realist with many hours of research and field experience in these matters, I personally believe that there will always be a demand for this type of service” says Glen Hulley, the public face of Project Karma, a group that combats child sex exploitation in Southeast Asia. “Combating human trafficking, slavery, and child sexual exploitation is very similar in principle to any other form of trafficking…supply vs. demand.”
Sex trafficking, as horrible and unthinkable as it may seem, is a huge business globally earning billions of dollars. Hulley’s group http://www.projectkarma.org.au develops a model called Sentinel Project to investigate and prosecute users who are the creators of this market that turned it into a largely commercialized organized crime.
“I have never seen a successful operation in any form of trafficking stem from a strategy to just end the demand because you can’t. Where there is a demand there is always someone willing to supply” explains Hulley. “Southeast Asia is a very dangerous territory in a very dangerous and politically corrupt region of the world but it is at the core of the problem globally and far over represented with regard to the ratio of incidents per capita due to vulnerability created by poverty. That is why we need to be there, why we need everyone’s help in order for us to help the children currently enslaved in this market and to prevent future children finding themselves in the same circumstances” says Hulley.
The unthinkable has a solution and everybody can help simply by donating to the project so that the investigations are not interrupted.
“Through the donations, the Sentinel Project can begin the first investigation team in the Philippines. Now that everything is in place, it’s now time to commence a full-fundraising campaign to fund the entire project” says Hulley.
About Project Karma
Project Karma focusses on creating, training and mentoring local investigation teams to investigate reports of transnational and local child sex exploitation offences in areas of SE Asia and then works with local police to bring offenders before the respective judicial systems under our Sentinel Project.
Project Karma
506 Hampton streetHampton, Victoria 3188
(+61) 487887077