(Newswire.net — March 16, 2015) — SuccessfulEducationSolutions.com offers a two-step Student Positioning Program that jumpstarts a student’s college experience, and helps make the most out of it.
College promises students an advantage over others in the competitive job market, but it is no easy journey. Many factors come into play – from soaring tuition fee rates to the complex college planning process – that create among families the uncertainty when it comes to maintaining quality of life and income should they decide to send their kid to college.
SuccessfulEducationSolutions.com was created to coach students and families through the entire college process – including selecting the correct college; performing career searches; offering college essay help and taking the SAT prep course or ACT prep course; maximizing financial aid potential; and showing how to cash flow financial responsibility.
“Working hands-on with families who want the most value from their education dollar, we offer college funding services that routinely save families $50,000-$100,000 from a four-year college experience. Our associates flaunt over a decade of experience, ensuring that they are experts in helping families and students across the United States,” states Jeffrey Sonnergren, founder and president of SuccessfulEducationSolutions.com.
SuccessfulEducationSolutions.com offers the Student Positioning Program that is designed for parents and students to assist with career choices, college selection and financial assistance.
The Program is characterized by a two-step process that helps determine student eligibility.
Under the Student Positioning Program two-step procedure, SuccessfulEducationSolutions.com first provides the student access to an online aptitude session that confirms or focuses a student’s career goals and subsequent majors to pursue. Following the online aptitude session is a phone interview with a professional SuccessfulEducationSolutions.com career counselor who particularly discusses with the student the realities of choosing the right college. The call, which lasts from 45 minutes to at least an hour, requires the attendance of one of the student’s parents to listen in.
SuccessfulEducationSolutions.com emphasizes that the second step of phone counseling is a powerful tool to successfully match the student to the right college based on a set of scientific factors, as well as SAT/ACT scores, high school GPA, the family’s finances, the student’s educational interest and the student’s general outlook on life.
Students and families seeking entry to college, but are highly uncertain about how to go about the process, should visit http://www.SuccessfulEducationSolutions.com for additional assistance.