Scientists Now Warn Insomnia Might Cause Heart Attack Risk to Skyrocket

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( — May 31, 2022) Orlando, FL — Multiple scientific studies have long shown the importance of having adequate sleep. According to researchers, sleep deprivation is linked with the increased risk of certain ailments.

Norwegian scientists suggest that individuals who are having difficulties getting decent sleep at night may face an increased risk of a heart attack. 

While it has not been established yet how insomnia and heart attack risk are connected, researchers suggest it may be due to the effects on inflammation or blood pressure. It is worth realizing that both can actually be risk factors for a heart attack.

According to lead researcher Dr. Lars Erik Laugsand, as insomnia symptoms are common and fairly easy to treat, it is important that people are aware of this connection between insomnia and heart attack, and talk to their doctors if they have sleep problems.

Dr. Lars Erik Laugsand is an internist from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.

The report was published in the Oct. 24 online edition of Circulation.

The investigators found that individuals who had trouble falling asleep nearly every day had an increased risk of a heart attack by 45 percent. It has further been found that those with a difficulty staying asleep had an increased risk of a heart attack by 30 percent. 

There are certain measures found to be significantly helpful in enhancing sleep. In addition to having a healthy diet, it is similarly important to consider what powerful antioxidants like resveratrol can offer.

Scientists carried out clinical trials revealing that a single dose of 14 mg of resveratrol significantly enhanced sleep in the subjects compared to the placebo. 

The investigators found that the brain wave measurement and sleep observation demonstrated a high delta rhythm power value in early stages of sleep. This has been found to provide sufficient improvement in non-REM sleep (deep sleep).

Experts stress that the early stage of non-REM sleep is essential to achieving good quality of sleep.

In addition to its remarkable sleep-enhancing benefits, resveratrol has also been found to work wonders in delivering a range of healing effects. 

This powerful antioxidant also possesses inflammation-fighting agents, which are beneficial in fighting a wide range of inflammation-related diseases. There are many experts and even researchers who strongly recommend increased intake of this antioxidant. 

There is a wide array of formulas available in the market found to deliver the therapeutic goodness of this natural remedy. One is Divine Bounty Resveratrol, which is gaining overwhelming popularity in the global market (

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