Shortened Sleep May Wreak Havoc on a Woman’s Bone Health

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( — February 5, 2021) Orlando, FL — The scientific community has long been carrying out studies to look into the impacts of sleep on various aspects of health. This particularly includes its effects on the bones.

A study was carried out and published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.

This study of postmenopausal women has shown the link between having low bone mineral density (BMD) and the development of osteoporosis.

In this research, the investigators had 11,084 postmenopausal women as subjects. It is found those who reported sleeping 5 hours or less every night had lower BMD at all four sites assessed, namely whole body, total hip, neck, and spine.

According to lead author Heather Ochs-Balcom, PhD, of the University at Buffalo, the study suggests that sleep may negatively impact bone health, adding to the list of the negative health impacts of poor sleep. 

“I hope that it can also serve as a reminder to strive for the recommended 7 or more hours of sleep per night for our physical and mental health,” she adds.

Many studies continue to reveal the link between sleep and bone health. It is important to realize that aside from sleep, proper nutrition is vital.

Ensuring adequate intake of nutrients like B vitamins could be extremely helpful for the bones. These nutrients have long been researched on due to their strong medicinal values. There are many interesting facts about these vitamins that consumers should be aware of.

One is that deficiencies in B vitamins have long been found to produce undesirable health effects. There are actually diseases found to contribute to the improper absorption of B vitamins inside the body. 

These particularly include celiac disease, HIV, Crohn’s disease, kidney problems, rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol dependence, ulcerative colitis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Some of the symptoms of deficiencies are the development of skin rashes, swollen tongue, weakness, anemia, and fatigue.

B vitamins like B2 have long been recognized to be extremely helpful for bone health. A study was carried out and it involved individuals suffering from hyperhomocysteinemia (MTHFR C677T “AA” genotype). 

It has been found that those with the lowest riboflavin intake had a 1.8-2.6X increased incidence of fractures. Another team of researchers carried out a study and it involved more than 1,200 female subjects. 

It has been found participants with such genotype and reduced bone mineral density could achieve improvements by consuming foods high in vitamin B2. 

There is another study that involved more than 5,300 elderly individuals that reveal the link between high dietary vitamin B2 and increased bone mineral density in the neck. 

Due to the remarkable results of studies and clinical trials, some researchers suggest this nutrient induces the development of immature bone-forming cells (osteoblasts). This was particularly observed in test tube studies. 

To benefit from the healing goodness of B vitamins, experts recommend intake of formulas like Divine Bounty B Vitamin Complex (

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