(Newswire.net — May 6, 2018) Cheyenne, Wyoming — Most people are likely to be guilty of not exercising as much as they ought to at some point or another but believe it or not, exercising too much can also be bad for overall health as well. It’s a bit like pulling an all-nighter on a job to finish up the backlog of work so a mass of overtime hours are racked up to deal with it all but then after a certain point in time, productivity draws to a stand plateau or abruptly stops all together. Well that is known as the rate of diminishing returns. The body, just like the brain, can be over worked on a job so it simply cannot function very well when pushed past its limits and it will send out some very clear messages declaring that it needs a break.
“A 2014 study from the U.K. found the types of molecular changes that take place in the hearts of endurance athletes may cause arrhythmias and other heart-related health issues,” reports Shape.com. “A similar study released just last month found people who run most days of the week at a “strenuous” pace have mortality rates similar to those who don’t run at all. (On the other hand, the same study found that people who run a few days a week at a slow pace enjoy a big drop in mortality risk.)”
Stuff like sharp mood changes are one of the most observable warnings to be on the lookout for as more frequent or forceful reactions of anger, depression, anxiety and irritability will occur. When physically overworked, the body releases hormones which are in fact the same chemicals produced when experiencing an emotionally stressful situatio, hence the volatile roller coaster of emotions ensues.
Coupled to one’s emotional state is sleep. The body is in no frame of mind to rest peacefully at nights if it has been stretched and stressed excessively on a steady basis. With all that mental and physical tension pent up throughout, sleep patterns are seriously disrupted as the body tries to navigate a path back to contentment.
The biggest irony of exercising too much is that it can actually cause weight gain. Now isn’t that hilarious? The body becomes less adept at burning fat when subjected to prolonged periods of stress, furthermore, the hormone that promotes muscle mass development declines as well.
Also, if muscles are still tender and pounding for hours or even days after an intense workout session, then that’s a clear sign to let up on exercising for a while and allow the body to fix itself.
“A day or two of rest followed by a light bout of exercise is recommended,” says U.S. News & World Report. “Also make a point to get at least eight hours of sleep a night which your body will need to repair those tiny muscle tears that occur during workouts and enable your body to build new muscle. Good nutrition is also key: Think lean protein (fish, skinless chicken breast, tofu), whole grains and plenty of fruits and vegetables.”
Keeping close tabs on the body’s pH balance is vital, especially during phases of change or strenuous activities. How it’s treated on the inside and out is critical to internal equilibrium so it’s wise to have pH test strips handy at home, work or after play. The HealthyWiser™ pH Health Test Strips kit for Saliva & Urine is a well recommended tool to handle the important task of measuring pH homeostasis.
About HealthyWiser LLC
HealthyWiser™ is a recognized and flourishing personal health and premium dietary supplement brand offering products that are diligently tested to meet industry standards. Passionate about good health and innovation the HealthyWiser™ brand is committed to delivering quality to customers. Learn more about pH Health Test Strips for Saliva & Urine on Amazon.
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